Telangana Social Welfare Minister Koppula Eshwar commends SMRATA
SMRATA stepped in when they were about to lose their places by covering their first-semester fee and promised to cover all of their educational costs (about 60 lakhs).

New Delhi : The Sreenivasan Muniswamy Radha Addanki Trust Ayurway (SMRATA) is committed to ensuring that economically disadvantaged children have equal opportunities to get a quality education and has pledged to cover tuition costs for an additional five TSWREIS students. The majority of these pupils come from working-class backgrounds; both of their parents earn minimum wage. Unfortunately, despite being offered admittance to these illustrious schools, they lacked the financial means to do so.
SMRATA stepped in when they were about to lose their places by covering their first-semester fee and promised to cover all of their educational costs (about 60 lakhs). These ambitious individuals want to complete their MBA degrees at prestigious institutions such as the Indian Institute of Management, the National Institute of Technology, and others. TSWREIS has sent its first class of female students to the Telangana Social Welfare Residential Degree Colleges (TSWRDC).
While presenting laptop computers to two pupils, Honourable Minister Sri Koppula Eashwar Garu praised Dr.Sarat Addanki, founder of SMRATA, for his work in the fields of education, health, and nutrition. He lauded SMRATA for being a staunch ally to TSWREIS and TTWREIS, noting that it had taken in 155 students (most of whom were alums of TSWREIS and TTWREIS) with the aim of helping first-generation students from disadvantaged backgrounds get ahead in life and raise their families’ living standards.
Tags: (SMRATA), underprivileged kids, support the educational expenses, generation learners