Surat police implements ‘One Nation One Challan’ initiative for traffic rule violators
With the help of the specialised software, the Surat traffic police will be able to issue electronic challans

Surat : If you are caught disobeying a traffic signal, not wearing a seatbelt, or breaking any other law while driving in Surat, you will not be stopped or intercepted in the future. The Central Government’s ‘One Nation One Challan’ initiative has been successfully implemented in the city of Surat by the city’s traffic police, who have begun issuing electronic challans to drivers who violate traffic laws.
With the help of the specialised software, the Surat traffic police will be able to issue electronic challans. The traffic police will issue an e-challan for violations of traffic regulations, and an SMS will be sent to the registered mobile phone of the vehicle’s owner.
According to Deputy Police Commissioner Amita Vanani, “there were incidents of direct face-off between the traffic cops and the vehicle owners over the physical memos.” Our efforts to issue electronic challans to drivers who break traffic laws in Surat have been streamlined thanks to the “One Nation One Challan” initiative.
Vanani continued, “A text message will be sent on the mobile number of the vehicle owners guilty of violating the traffic rules intimating him about the generation of e-challan by the traffic department. The message ends with an appeal to the vehicle owners to resolve any outstanding memos as soon as possible to prevent further action from the department.
Centralized National Informatics Centre, where, according to Vanani, a database of traffic rule violators is kept. One Nation One Challan allows the vehicle owner the flexibility to settle his electronic challan in any of the country’s states. Vehicle owners can check their own records in the database to learn from their own violations and avoid making the same mistakes in the future.