Spiritual head of Dawoodi Bohras Syedna Mufaddal Saifuddin arrives in Surat to attend the annual educational seminar ‘Istifadallmiyya’



Dawoodi Bohra
SURAT: Spiritual head of the Dawoodi Bohra community Syedna Mufaddal Saifuddin arrived in Surat to attend the two-week-long educational seminar titled ‘Istifadallmiyya’. His Holiness arrived at the Surat railway station and was received by the senior officials and members of the community on Sunday.

The diamond city of Surat will play host to thousands of Dawoodi Bohra members from different parts of the world. The attendees include professors and graduates of the Aljamea-tus-Saifiyah Arabic Academy for the annual educational seminar called ‘IstifadaIlmiyya’.

“At the two-week long seminar, attendees will participate in a series of learning sessions on a wide range of topics including Islamic philosophy, history, and jurisprudence, as well as contemporary topics,” said HatimFakhar, Coordinator of the programme in Surat.

“On the sidelines of the educational seminar, which will be conducted through the day in and around the community centers at Zampa Bazaar, various themed stalls, and exhibitions covering the subjects of environment, business, etc., will also be set up at the community’s sports ground, Khaimat al-Riyada, to provide a holistic learning experience to the audience,” he added.

Murtaza Rasheed from Dubai, who has been part of the educational seminar every year, shared, “The series of discourses and lectures help us deepen our knowledge about various aspects of life, while also providing a pathway to enhance our skills and expertise in our respective fields.”

Various teams and committees have been mobilised by the Surat Dawoodi Bohras to ensure the smooth functioning of the programme. “We’re grateful to the local authorities and government agencies for rendering their timely support and assistance as always in hosting thousands of community members in the city,” said Hatim Fakhar.

According to Fakhar, Syedna Mufaddal Saifuddin will be staying at his residence in Dumas, and is expected to arrive in Surat in the second phase of the programme to mark his and his father the late Syedna Mohammed Burhanuddin’s birthday celebrations on November 14.

