Being Exporter : How Ankit Saini’s destiny changed from manufacturer to a successful exporter

Ankit has been a manufacturer for seven years, but he has struggled financially since domestic clients are notoriously slow to pay. He sought a change since his path was marred by financial issues. When Ankit's wife secured a space at a Being Exporter workshop for him, that was the tipping moment.


Surat : Being Exporter, a prominent platform for export help established by Bhagirath Goswami in Surat,  has had a profound impact on Ankit Saini’s life and career. Saini is from Rohtak, Haryana, and has since achieved remarkable success in the export market.

Ankit has been a manufacturer for seven years, but he has struggled financially since domestic clients are notoriously slow to pay. He sought a change since his path was marred by financial issues. When Ankit’s wife secured a space at a Being Exporter workshop for him, that was the tipping moment.

Ankit went to the workshop against his wife’s wishes at first, but he quickly warmed up to the idea and found a supportive group of people who shared his aspirations. Even while he knew there were a lot of prospects in exporting, he never imagined he would be successful at it. Ankit gained the insight and confidence to aim further after participating in Being Exporter’s workshop and mentoring programme.

A mental change was the first step on Ankit’s path to success in the export industry. Within fifteen days of finishing Being Exporter’s boot camp, he shipped out his first consignment, despite some early setbacks. Once Ankit accepted the security of exporting with advance payments, his financial worries faded. As a result of the Being Exporter community’s boot camps and ongoing empowerment, Ankit was able to raise the amount and frequency of his shipments.

Joining the Being Exporter group was a game-changer for me. Everyone in the community has always been there for me. All of my previous worries about money have vanished. “Thanks to Being Exporter’s help and direction, we were able to expand from dealing with a few lakhs to dealing with single orders worth Rs. 2.5 crore,” Ankit explains.

The success has changed his company and given him opportunities to expand. During his time at the first workshop, his team size increased from seven to sixty. Ankit is also making a difference by funding education and skill development programmes for women.

I had no idea about any of this when I was a producer focusing only on the home market. My self-assurance has grown thanks to my role as Exporter. Even a revenue of Rs. 10 crore seemed insurmountable, but we want to reach even greater heights in the future. “We are extending our product range and forming joint ventures with other manufacturers to further grow the export business,” Ankit adds, demonstrating the self-assurance he gained from Being Exporter.

Being Exporter’s founder, Bhagirath Goswami, said that Ankit’s tale shows that anyone can succeed in the export business with the correct help.

Ankit’s tale exemplifies the life-altering potential of having a purpose. Since our initial meeting at the workshop, he has changed drastically. Everyone who wants to be successful should look up to him, not only other exporters. According to Mr. Goswami, “Being Exporter” is devoted to assisting entrepreneurs such as Ankit in entering the export business and contributing to their success stories.

While Ankit acknowledges that setbacks are inevitable, he claims he has become more resilient since joining Being Exporter’s team.

“I couldn’t have done it without the help of the Being Exporter community, particularly Bhagirath Goswami,” he goes on to say.
