World AIDS Day 2024: HIV Prevalence in Gujarat Declines to 0.19%

According to NACO, the estimated adult HIV prevalence in Gujarat decreased from 0.20% in 2019 to 0.19% in 2023. Similarly, the HIV infection rate declined from 6 persons per 1,00,000 uninfected individuals in 2019 to 4 persons in 2023.


GandhinagarOn World AIDS Day, the Gujarat State AIDS Control Society (GSACS), in collaboration with the National AIDS Control Organisation (NACO) and the Gujarat government, will launch an extensive awareness campaign. The theme for 2024, “Take the Rights Path: My Health, My Right,” emphasizes protecting the rights of individuals living with HIV and promoting a life of dignity for them. In collaboration with GSACS, the Gujarat government has reached more than 22.5 lakh individuals with counselling, testing, and treatment services over the past seven months.

Statewide activities will include rallies, street plays, painting, poster and rangoli competitions, quizzes, and essay-writing contests. Awareness messages will also be disseminated through public spaces, buses, trains, and LED screens. This campaign will involve the collaboration of government departments, private companies, NGOs, and educational institutions.

Gujarat’s Success in Reducing HIV Prevalence and Infection Rates

Through the Gujarat government’s and GSACS’s concerted efforts, the state has achieved significant milestones in HIV control. According to NACO, the estimated adult HIV prevalence in Gujarat decreased from 0.20% in 2019 to 0.19% in 2023. Similarly, the HIV infection rate declined from 6 persons per 1,00,000 uninfected individuals in 2019 to 4 persons in 2023.

Over 91,550 HIV-Positive Individuals Reached Under Index Testing Campaign

According to the GSACS, between 1 April 2024 and 31 October 2024, more than 91,550 HIV-positive individuals were identified and provided counselling and testing services under the “Index Testing Campaign.” Additionally, through the “Integrated Health Campaign,” 325 camps were held to offer screening and treatment services for HIV, TB, Hepatitis B & C, and STIs.

98,398 Patients Benefited from STI Control Services

Under the STI control program, Gujarat’s 60 government STI control centers provided diagnostic and treatment services to 98,398 patients. Additionally, over 2,600 HIV testing facilities across the state tested 11,93,988 individuals during this period, identifying 4,729 (0.39%) as HIV-positive, who were subsequently offered counselling and treatment.

Furthermore, under the Prevention of Parent-to-Child Transmission of HIV/AIDS program, over 8.96 lakh pregnant women were tested for HIV. Of these, 295 (0.03%) were found HIV-positive and provided necessary counselling and treatment.

Extensive Infrastructure for HIV Prevention, Testing, and Treatment in Gujarat

Gujarat has a robust network of 105 NGOs and 2 Opioid Substitution Therapy (OST) centers conducting awareness and prevention activities. The state also operates 261 Integrated Counselling and Testing Centers (ICTCs), 3 mobile vans, and over 2,400 screening centers offering free HIV testing services. For treatment, 48 Anti-Retroviral Therapy (ART) centers and 59 Link ART centers provide free medication to individuals living with HIV.

State Government’s Vision for HIV Prevention

The Gujarat government is committed to eliminating stigma and discrimination against individuals living with HIV while protecting their rights under the HIV/AIDS (Prevention and Control) Act, 2017. World AIDS Day activities across the state aim to enhance awareness and take significant steps towards building an inclusive society. Preventing new infections, raising awareness, and providing quality treatment remain central to the state’s efforts.
