Piyusha Pushp’s bestseller The Clown hits shelves

The Clown is the second book in the karmic short stories trilogy written by husband-and-wife team Pankaj Lochan and his wife.


New Delhi : The Clown is the second book in the karmic short stories trilogy written by husband-and-wife team Pankaj Lochan and his wife. Just like the characters and events in Sigma, the ones in The Clown are based on the author’s personal observations of the world.

Through the experiences of seven different people, the book discusses the Rakshasa gana.

Author Piyusha Pushp’s latest novel, The Clown, has been met with rave reviews since its release a month ago and is quickly rising to the top of the bestseller lists.

The major component of The Clown is the depiction of several individuals making use of their inherent abilities for either good or evil. It’s a meditation on the fact that the rakshasa (powerful) have free will despite their astrological charts, and can use their abilities for good or evil. It begins a new sequence of events involving characters who were born in various places of the world and who experience outcomes that are shaped by the choices they make.

The Clown reveals the dark sides of human nature, from inherent flaws like lying and using any means necessary to achieve justice, to more overt flaws like using other people to further one’s own ends. These tales mirror the world’s ways while also revealing the darkest sides of humans.

The stories may confound the readers, but they also set off a cascade of ideas that makes them wonder about the fundamental characteristics of human beings.

The Clown only tells stories about the positive and never the negative. As they float between the seven narratives, readers will encounter a wide range of characters. They’ll root for some and despise others, but by the end of the books, they’ll feel sorry for everyone. Those reading this will think the characters should have used their time more wisely. The positive reception to The Clown is greatly appreciated, as Piyusha Pushp puts it.

There are many of works that delve into the shadowy sides of human nature, but The Clown is unique in its willingness to openly discuss topics that are usually avoided. The book provides narratives that expand upon the karmic theory introduced in the first volume of the trilogy, Sigma. Also, the first two books in the trilogy lay the groundwork for the final installment.

The three ganas serve as the inspiration for the trilogy’s three volumes. Whereas Sigma was inspired by the Manushya gana and The Clown by the Rakshasa gana, the next third Deva will instead draw inspiration from the Deva gana.

Evincepub Publishing has released The Clown. The book has 324 pages and was published all over the world in January. It may be purchased from any major bookstore or from any major online retailer, including Amazon, Flipkart, Goodreads, Kindle, the Evincepub Shop, and many more. More than 150 countries have received copies.
