Hope in the heat: Ankibai Ghamandiram Gowani trust provides Sonabhadra a fresh water body

The trust's efforts to improve the lives of the country's poor and marginalised have garnered widespread attention


New Delhi : Common examples of social initiatives include campaigns to improve access to education and food or to reduce poverty. But there are individuals who are changing the world in ways that most would never imagine. One of them is the Kamala Ankibai Ghamandiram Gowani trust, whose trustee and primary impetus is the visionary Ms. Nidarshana Gowani.

The trust’s efforts to improve the lives of the country’s poor and marginalised have garnered widespread attention. Their innovative mindset and all-encompassing strategy have won them plaudits from a wide range of stakeholders. The step they took not too long ago has also received high marks for its thinking and ingenuity.

In response to rising temperatures caused by climate change and the extreme summer heat, the Ankibai Ghamandiram Gowani Trust, in partnership with women from the Hope Welfare Trust, has built a water reservoir in Sonabhadra. After the trust’s original benefactors and trustees, this cooling effort was given the name Gowani Talaab.

The trust’s attitude to social concerns, both deliberate and aggressive, has been an inspiration. The Gowani Talaab project is exemplary of the kind of social effort that may improve people’s lives for the better. The lake will provide relief from the heat for the people of Sonabhadra and a place for birds and animals to cool down and drink.

Ms. Nidarshana Gowani made a valid point in arguing that social programmes may take many forms beyond the traditional ones of fighting poverty, promoting literacy, and distributing food. Social projects may have a greater effect if they are creatively designed to deal with particular problems.

We think that every tiny move may make a significant effect, and our programmes reflect that idea,” Ms. Gowani said. Our method involves zeroing in on certain problems and coming up with innovative solutions that people can really use. We don’t need acclaim or publicity.

The efforts of the Ankibai Ghamandiram Gowani Trust are a demonstration of how social initiatives may affect good change in the world. Their commitment to social justice serves as an example to others and emphasises the need for a systemic approach when dealing with complicated societal problems.

This kind of outstanding effort encourages everyone, privileged or not, to do what they can to help.

We pray the weather doesn’t get any hotter. We’re also keeping our fingers crossed that other, more competent groups will take similar steps to help the populace.
