From Ecuador with Love: ‘Forever Roses’ are Here to Enchant Your World

Carefully nurtured in the verdant regions of Ecuador, these stunning roses are a remarkable sign of love, dedication, and adoration that will last a lifetime.


New Delhi : Did you know that not only are the Galapagos Islands located in Ecuador, but that this beautiful nation is also well-known for its exotic flowers, particularly its roses? The greatest roses may be found in Ecuador, where there are over 500 unique types available in a rainbow of hues, textures, and sizes. And Ecuador has gone even farther, preserving its magnificently huge roses so that you may enjoy ‘Forever Roses’ forever and always.

How do Forever Roses work?

Carefully nurtured in the verdant regions of Ecuador, these stunning roses are a remarkable sign of love, dedication, and adoration that will last a lifetime. Forever roses from Ecuador are preserved using cutting-edge methods and remain beautiful and fragrant for a year or more, in contrast to regular roses, which wilt and lose their colour within a matter of days. A rose’s smooth petals and brilliant colours are preserved via a painstaking preservation procedure after they have been carefully plucked at the height of their bloom.

In Ecuador, the favourable climate and rich soil allow for the growth of superior roses. Once dried, these roses may survive without any more care.

Customers are able to elegantly express their emotions and personal styles through a spectrum of colours, from the traditional red and white to the passionate pink and entrancing yellow, to the bright pink, magenta, marsala, and orange, to the exclusive shades of ivories and violets. Forever roses from Ecuador provide a lasting impact whether given as a gift or used as a centrepiece at a formal event or as a decorative accent in a lavish environment.

The popularity of “forever roses” continues to grow. They are a popular choice for weddings, anniversaries, holidays like Valentine’s Day, and general house decoration.

The Ecuadorian government’s trade office (PRO ECUADOR) is actively marketing the product in India. As Mrs. Cristina Chiriboga from the Trade Office of Ecuador (PRO ECUADOR) points out, “India’s myriad of festivals, celebrations, and traditions are occasions for exchanging gifts,” all of which are perfect opportunities to give eternal roses from Ecuador.

Forever roses are a memento that may last a lifetime, a token of your undying devotion to a loved one. They may be used in lieu of flowers wherever they are appropriate. Give this gesture of your affection to the people who bring light into your life and honour the relationship you value with them.

About Pro Ecuador India

PRO ECUADOR is part of the Ministry of Production, Foreign Trade, Investment, and Fisheries under the Government of Ecuador. Through our network of trade offices around the world, we promote the very best of Ecuadorian products globally.
