‘Alphabetical Parenting’, A book that Every Parent Should Read!
Alphabetical Parenting' explains practical and successful parenting techniques.

New Delhi : Practitioner of arts-based therapy, ICF-certified parenting coach, and career counsellor Karen Claire has lectured on the art of communication in parenting on the TEDx platform. Her purpose is to empower parents and children via individual counselling, seminars, and social media. ‘Alphabetical Parenting’ explains practical and successful parenting techniques. Here are some highlights from her must-read book.
As parents, we often inquire. However, we never consider it an art or talent that can be learned. We are the same parents that believe in corporate soft-skills training. When it comes to parenting a kid, numerous soft skills are essential. One of them is undoubtedly the art of communication, with the most particular speciality being the art of inquiry.
First, consider our motivation: do we ask questions to get objective answers? Or do we ask questions in order to underline a point—our point?
Now, let’s question the kind of questions we ask:
➢ Are they closed-ended or open-ended?
➢ Are they obviously probing, making the child feel like they’re being court martialled? Or are they gentle enough to make the child feel safe to respond honestly?
➢ Are your questions making your child feel they are coming from a concerned loved one or from an interrogator?
Depending on our intent, do we choose to wait for a reply or not? We need to give our children enough time to collect their thoughts, articulate them, and then share.
➢ Did you ask too many questions in quick succession, so much so that your child has stopped thinking of answers? To him/her, now, it doesn’t matter because you have already jumped to the next question.
➢ Did you create a safe space before you shot out the question? Usually, no one, not even an adult, is comfortable answering questions if they don’t feel at ease first. You will definitely face resistance from your child.
You also need to time your questions well. Listen more than you speak. Your child will feel safer sharing, and you will learn more than when you ask directed questions at an inappropriate time and pause to listen to the answer.
The hardest skill I learned as a parent was to hold space for the answer. Sometimes, we are on a roll and all charged. Perhaps, our child needs a little more time. Perhaps, our child will pause before giving an answer. At this point in time, we need to trust our children without giving in to the temptation of believing that they are cooking up a lie or scheme. Allow them their time to breathe before they reply to you and before you can come back with another question.
Dear Parents,
You need to know. You need to ask questions to know. But these questions need to be directed with love and kindness. Your child loves talking to you. They love it when you listen to them. It is ideal that you ask an open-ended question and then follow up with questions based on their replies instead of pre-decided questions based on your own personal agenda in your mind.
If you entirely substitute the conversation with a series of questions, the communication cycle shifts off-balance, and there will be consequences that both parent and child face. You need to strike a balance.
There is one word of caution here—when you ask the question to your child, ask yourself if you are prepared for the answer that comes.
You see, I know a child client who shared in the course of the session, ‘My mum will say that I can tell her anything, but when she asks me anything, and I tell her the truth, all hell breaks loose if she doesn’t approve.’
Questioning is an art and a skill that is often a lifeline in your relationship with your child. It can be developed.
Learn the art of asking questions. It is never too late.
Keep the faith,
Reflections –
AM I asking questions, or am I questioning my child? (The difference lies in your intent.)
Are my questions coming from my own biased assumptions, making the question itself biased?
When I pose the question, am I ready to be a part of the solution?
Am I being empathetic in the way I ask the question and listen to the response?