Why Universities Need a Flexible Academic Programme

University Courses Campus at IMS Ghaziabad has designed a highly adaptable curriculum that provides students with a balanced education in both theory and practise.


New Delhi : Adaptable academic programmes that provide students with the knowledge and experience they need to succeed in today’s competitive job market are a necessity for today’s universities. In response to this demand, the University Courses Campus at IMS Ghaziabad has designed a highly adaptable curriculum that provides students with a balanced education in both theory and practise.

To bridge the gap between the current state of learning outcomes and what is required, substantial adjustments must be implemented throughout the system through higher education that ensure the highest levels of quality, equity, and integrity.

The goal of the National Education Policy is to pave the way for flexible and lifelong learning by encouraging students to choose their own academic route leading to the attainment of a certificate, diploma, or degree. In future years, the evaluation will be more “competency-based,” with a focus on measuring “higher-order skills” like analysis, critical thinking, and conceptual clarity, in order to encourage learning and growth.

A student’s individual demands and interests can be taken into account and accommodated in the classroom thanks to the adaptability of today’s educational programmes. Students from varied cultural origins, with different learning styles, or with different career aspirations can benefit greatly from this method. Students who take advantage of the opportunities afforded by a curriculum that can be tailored to their specific needs and interests are better able to acquire the knowledge, skills, and attitudes necessary to succeed in their chosen fields and fields of study. Students at IMS Ghaziabad (University Courses Campus) have the freedom to chart their own academic trajectory thanks to the school’s adaptable curriculum that allows them to concentrate on areas of interest.

At IMS Ghaziabad (University Courses Campus), students receive both a theoretical grounding from classroom lectures and hands-on experience via internships, projects, and industry connections. Students are able to obtain hands-on experience through internships and real-world projects thanks to the institute’s collaborations with leading businesses across a wide range of sectors. This method aids students in acquiring the knowledge and abilities essential to their future careers.

A flexible academic program can also help students stay informed about new developments in their field, including emerging technologies and trends. The program offers specialized courses and seminars on topics such as artificial intelligence, blockchain, and cybersecurity, to keep students up-to-date with the latest developments in their study area. This exposure may be essential for students to differentiate themselves from their peers in a competitive job market.

In addition to academic exposure, it also focuses on developing students’ soft skills and leadership abilities. Employers highly value these competencies, and students who possess them have an advantage in the job market. The institution offers a variety of clubs and societies for students to pursue their passions and hone their talents in a supportive setting.

One of the program’s main advantages is the ability for students to learn at their own pace and convenience. The online learning facilities at IMS Ghaziabad (University Courses Campus) allow students to access course materials and lectures from any location and at any time.

The program’s online learning facilities offer a flexible approach to education, allowing students to balance their academic pursuits with work, family, and other obligations. This level of convenience and accessibility has proven to be a significant advantage for students who seek a personalized learning experience that meets their individual needs and preferences. With the program’s online resources, students can enhance their knowledge and skills in a comfortable and convenient environment, ultimately preparing them for future challenges.

Higher education institutions must embrace flexible academic programs to prepare students for the fast-paced job market. The program provides a personalized learning experience that blends practical and theoretical exposure, assisting students in acquiring the skills and knowledge necessary to succeed in their chosen career path.

The institution also offers extracurricular activities, online learning opportunities, and leadership opportunities for students to build soft skills and follow their passions. By implementing a flexible academic curriculum, higher education institutions can provide students with a well-rounded education that prepares them for future challenges.
