Nature Club Surat organizes awareness programme in the city to mark the World Sparrow Day

Nature Club Surat has been conducting various research, activities, and public awareness campaigns to restore the sparrow population in Surat City for the past 15 years.


Surat : Nature Club Surat, an NGO dedicated to bird and animal rescue, environmental and nature conservation, has launched an awareness campaign in the diamond city of Surat to engage residents in a sparrow count to commemorate World Sparrow Day.

Nature Club Surat has been conducting various research, activities, and public awareness campaigns to restore the sparrow population in Surat City for the past 15 years. Every year, NCS conducts a sparrow count survey in the city with the assistance of citizens in order to keep track of the city’s population. Water pots, artificial sparrow nests, and feeders are also distributed in schools, colleges, and societies.
This year is no exception! If residents want to organise awareness programmes, get feeders or nest boxes, or share photos and videos of sparrows in their gardens, NCS has asked them to call 9979730036.
House Sparrows have long been a fixture in Indian households! The house sparrow is known to nest in buildings, finding crevices and holes in walls, demonstrating its affinity for urban areas.
The house sparrow has evolved with humans and is only known to live in close proximity to us, rather than in forests. For years, it coexisted peacefully with us in our buildings and gardens, but their population has been declining in almost every city over the last two decades.
The reasons cited are: rapidly changing cities are no longer a suitable habitat for the house sparrow, as new and modern infrastructure designs do not allow for nesting; pollution caused by microwave towers and pesticides; poisoning due to pesticides used to kill insects: the house sparrow loses its foraging grounds (natural grasslands) as green spaces in our cities give way to more concrete constructions.
