Hindu idols aren’t like Western comic book characters.Bhavesh Sheth
Most Indians over the age of 40 have heard the epic tales of the Ramayana and Mahabharata from their grandparents. The contemporary way of life has led to more nuclear households and more mobility.

Mumbai : The Western world has given the world Batman and Superman, two superheroes. Is it true, however, that only nations like that have it? If a person answers “yes,” then they clearly do not know the significance of ancient Indian historical figures.
Most Indians over the age of 40 have heard the epic tales of the Ramayana and Mahabharata from their grandparents. The contemporary way of life has led to more nuclear households and more mobility.
Children and teens nowadays receive their story fix from media like television, cinema, and mobile gadgets. Hollywood has been teaching youngsters all around the globe to comic book characters and miniatures via its films, and Indian children have taken a particular shine to them.
Characters like Superman, Batman, and many more have histories rich with adventure, courage, and strife. BUDDYZ, a toy company located in Mumbai, aspires to reverse all that by reintroducing authentic and original super-icons to youngsters in India.
The distinctive series of three-dimensional figures known as “BUDDYZ BOBBLEHEADS” is the brainchild of Plastech International Pvt. Ltd. TEAM-BUDDYZ has generated an original series based on Hindu mythology, history, and customs, for which they have applied for design patents. Characters like Krishna, Ganesh, and Hanuman have a wider variety of abilities and adventures than their Western comic book counterparts. These Bobbleheads nod their heads in accord when they pick up on good vibes. This collection of BUDDYZ BOBBLEHEADS is known as the “Play & Pray” line.
Desks, tables, kids’ shelves, and automobile dashboards everywhere are adorned with the God Bobbleheads. Children and adults alike may use them as devotional objects at any time of day. Awards from the All India Toy Manufacturers Association and the National Productivity Council of India have been given to Plastech International Pvt. Ltd. for their innovative toys. According to Silicon India’s 2020 predictions, BUDDYZ is one of India’s top 10 most promising toy companies.
The creator of Buddyz, Bhavesh Sheth, has said, “We are coming up with more God figures from the Hindu heritage with two strong purposes – Children can play with these figures and they also help to inculcate curiosity and devotion to our heritage from an early age.” There is no equivalence between Western comic book heroes and Hindu icons. In other words, it’s a range of products that parents can devote themselves to while simultaneously giving their children a taste of childhood again. They’re tastefully crafted and adorably little. Move aside, western Superheroes, for the real Heroes are coming in the form of these enticing Super symbols from our own culture. Bobbleheads, Activity Toys, Educational & Construction Toys, Glow Toys, Children’s Stationary, and Customised Items are just few of the many types of toys available from Plastech. In the past, Buddyz has had licencing agreements with mega-brands including Disney and Doraemon.
Buddyz Bobbleheads may be found in the toy sections of several major Indian retail outlets, including Amazon and FirstCry. Playing with them, placing them on dashboards, or having them as table companions is enjoyable for people of all ages, from five to ninety-nine. They stand at a respectable 5 inches tall, are BIS-approved, and are handcrafted in India from excellent, recyclable materials.