Gujarat : Illegal Cannabis Cultivation Unearthed at Ahmedabad Crematorium Raises Questions

The Ahmedabad Municipal Corporation (AMC)-run Vadaj crematorium has found itself at the center of controversy after cannabis plants were discovered flourishing on its premises. The shocking discovery has jolted the municipal administration, prompting questions about the extent of illegal activities within the city.


Ahmedabad : Crematoriums in Ahmedabad, typically solemn grounds for final farewells, have now become unexpected hosts to illicit cannabis cultivation.

The Ahmedabad Municipal Corporation (AMC)-run Vadaj crematorium has found itself at the center of controversy after cannabis plants were discovered flourishing on its premises. The shocking discovery has jolted the municipal administration, prompting questions about the extent of illegal activities within the city.

This bizarre incident follows a recent uproar over the presence of cannabis plants in AMC’s nursery located along the riverfront. The revelation raised concerns about the efficiency of the AMC’s garden department and the overall security measures in place.

Now, with cannabis cultivation at a crematorium, the authorities face intensified scrutiny over the efficacy of policing operations and the rampant open cultivation of prohibited substances within urban areas like Ahmedabad.

The Vadaj crematorium incident has ignited fresh debates on the control and oversight mechanisms governing public spaces. The serene atmosphere of the crematorium, traditionally dedicated to somber ceremonies, has been disrupted by the illegal farming of the banned narcotic substance. Authorities are now grappling with the disconcerting reality that even such sacred locations are not immune to the reach of illicit activities.

Cannabis, also known as marijuana or weed among other names, is a psychoactive drug from the cannabis plant.

This revelation follows a recent major police operation in an Ahmedabad cannabis lab. The operation uncovered startling details, revealing the involvement of a young woman and two men in the cultivation of ganja. The police seized 200 pots from the location, signaling the extent of the illicit operation. Notably, the individuals involved in this incident were found to be residents of Jharkhand, adding a cross-border dimension to the illegal cultivation network.

The discovery of cannabis cultivation in unexpected places like crematoriums and nurseries underscores the challenges faced by law enforcement in curbing the proliferation of drugs. Questions linger about the adequacy of current policing strategies, prompting a reevaluation of security measures to counteract the brazen cultivation of banned substances within city limits.
