Gujarat High Court Slams Goverment Over Harani boat incident

The Harani boat accident resulted in the drowning of 14 people, including 12 students


Ahmedabad, Gujarat : The Gujarat High Court has expressed strong displeasure towards the government concerning the Harani boat accident in Vadodara. The court criticized the report submitted by the Urban Development Department, demanding the government to clarify whether the report is acceptable.

High Court Demands Action Against Negligent Officials

The Gujarat High Court has further challenged the government to take strict action against the officials responsible for negligence in Harani Boat incident. The court emphasized that mere procedural responses are insufficient and that concrete measures should be taken to address the negligence that led to the tragic incident. The court announced that the government’s report would be reviewed in the hearing scheduled for next week.

Tragic Incident: 14 Lives Lost

The Harani boat accident resulted in the drowning of 14 people, including 12 students. The incident has raised serious concerns about safety and accountability, prompting judicial scrutiny and public outcry.

Government Opposes Bail for Accused

In a related development, the Gujarat government has opposed the bail applications of the accused involved in the Harani boat incident. The government filed an application to cancel the bail requests of ten accused individuals. The boat accident case registered a complaint against a total of 18 accused, out of which 10 applied for bail in the Gujarat High Court. The government’s move to oppose these bail applications underscores the severity of the incident and the need for accountability.

Government’s Report Under Scrutiny

The Gujarat High Court’s demand for clarity on the Urban Development Department’s report highlights the judiciary’s commitment to ensuring that responsible parties are held accountable. The court’s insistence on concrete actions rather than procedural answers indicates a push for substantive changes to prevent such tragedies in the future.

The Harani boat accident has become a focal point for discussions on safety regulations and government accountability in Gujarat. The upcoming hearing will be crucial in determining the course of action and ensuring justice for the victims and their families.
