Gujarat Breaking News : Two-Year-Old Toddler Rescued from 200-Feet Deep Borewell After 10-Hour Operation

The tranquil evening in Govana village of Jamnagar district turned into a scene of panic and urgency as news spread that a two-year-old Raj had fallen into a 200-feet deep borewell while playing in the Diabhai Ranmalbhai Karangiya wadi in Gowana village of Lalpur taluka of Jamnagar district. The incident, which occurred around 6 pm on Tuesday, prompted an immediate response from the fire brigade rescue team, who launched a relentless effort to save the trapped toddler.


Jamnagar : In a heart-stopping ordeal that gripped Govana village in Gujarat’s Jamnagar district, a two-year-old toddler fell into a deep borewell on Tuesday evening, triggering a frantic 10-hour rescue operation by the fire brigade team. Miraculously, the child was successfully pulled out in the early hours of Wednesday morning, marking a moment of relief and jubilation for the local community.

The tranquil evening in Govana village of Jamnagar district turned into a scene of panic and urgency as news spread that a two-year-old Raj had fallen into a 200-feet deep borewell while playing in the Diabhai Ranmalbhai Karangiya wadi in Gowana village of Lalpur taluka of Jamnagar district. The incident, which occurred around 6 pm on Tuesday, prompted an immediate response from the fire brigade rescue team, who launched a relentless effort to save the trapped toddler.

The challenging rescue operation unfolded under the cover of darkness as the fire brigade team raced against time to reach the child, who was trapped 12 feet below the ground in the narrow confines of the borewell. With precision and determination, the rescue team deployed oxygen through a tube to sustain the child’s breathing while devising strategies to prevent further descent into the well. Utilizing a rope, they secured the child’s wrist to prevent any further perilous movement.

The child, belonging to a migrant laborer family, was the center of attention as the community gathered anxiously, praying for a safe rescue. After an agonizing 10-hour ordeal, the efforts of the rescue team bore fruit as they successfully pulled the toddler out of the borewell around 4 am on Wednesday morning. The scene was filled with relief and applause as the child was whisked away to GG Hospital in Jamnagar for immediate medical attention.

Despite the harrowing experience, the child’s resilience shone through as he is currently undergoing treatment at GG Hospital, where he will be closely monitored for the next 72 hours. The successful rescue operation stands as a testament to the unwavering dedication and skill of the fire brigade team, whose action and tireless efforts saved the life of the young child.
