Bulgarian Girl Returns Home Amidst Controversy in Cadila Pharma CMD Rajiv Modi rape case

Since the Bulgarian girl who filed the complaint has returned to her home country, the case that involves charges of molestation against Rajiv Modi has taken another unexpected turn. G.S. Malik, the Commissioner of Police in Ahmedabad, said that the victim had returned to Bulgaria after being gone for the last 14 days. This information was released by Malik, who also revealed that the victim had left the country.


Ahmedabad : The Bulgarian girl who made a charge of molestation against Rajiv Modi, CMD of Cadila Pharmaceuticals Ltd., has returned to her home country, which has been surrounded by a whirlwind of controversy and concerns that have not been satisfactorily addressed. Many people are left wondering about the openness and effectiveness of the inquiry as a result of the growing drama that has surrounded this case.

Since the Bulgarian girl who filed the complaint has returned to her home country, the case that involves charges of molestation against Rajiv Modi has taken another unexpected turn. G.S. Malik, the Commissioner of Police in Ahmedabad, said that the victim had returned to Bulgaria after being gone for the last 14 days. This information was released by Malik, who also revealed that the victim had left the country.

Controversy and concerns have been expressed over the way the matter is being handled as a result of the complaining party’s abrupt absence and later departure. In response to the notification made by the Commissioner of Police, the attorney who is representing the Bulgarian girl, Rajesh Mishra, expressed his astonishment. He also brought attention to the fact that the authorities have not spoken with the victim about her current condition. According to Mishra, despite the fact that he had a meeting with Chirag Kordia, the Joint Commissioner of Police, on Tuesday, he was not provided with any information on the victim prior to the news being made public.

The case, which had been proceeding with a rape charge being filed against Rajiv Modi in response to a court order, took a baffling turn when the Bulgarian girl vanished before she could submit her testimony to the police. Additional intrigue was added to the situation by the fact that her statement was not recorded on January 18, allegedly because the officer who was investigating the matter was unavailable. On the other hand, it has now come to light that the victim left for Bulgaria on February 7th, which leaves a great deal of unknowns.

Regarding the location of the accused, Rajiv Modi, who is thought to be in another country, there are still lingering concerns as the inquiry approaches a crucial point. A further individual who has been listed as an accused in the case is Johnson Mathew, who is the HR manager of Cadila. Mathew had sought further time before ultimately agreeing with the police’s request, despite the fact that he had given reminders to make his statement on two separate occasions. For the purpose of shedding light on the suspected connections between Rajiv Modi and the victim, the data that were acquired during Mathew’s testimony are believed to be beneficial.

Due to the fact that the case has garnered a substantial amount of attention and scrutiny, there have been demands for accountability and openness in the management of things that are both sensitive and important. The departure of the victim has placed a shadow over the proceedings, and it is now the responsibility of the authorities to ensure that an inquiry is conducted in a manner that is both comprehensive and impartial, with the goal of bringing both the truth and justice to all parties concerned.
