Gadhada Swaminarayan Temple Embroiled in Controversy Over Derogatory Remarks

This incident has sparked a heated discussion among the devotees of the Gadhada Swaminarayan Temple, many of whom are expressing their disappointment and anger over the controversial comments.


AHMEDABAD : The Gadhada Swaminarayan Temple has found itself at the center of a fresh controversy following the filing of a complaint against Gnanjivandas Swamy in the Ahmedabad sessions court.

The complaint, brought forward by a group of devotees, accuses Swami Gnanjivandas Maharaj of making offensive comments about scheduled caste people during a public address. In response to these allegations, the court has assigned the investigation to the Scheduled Tribes and Scheduled Castes (STSC) cell, signaling a serious approach towards the issue.

The petitioner has demanded strict punishment for Gnanjivandas Swami, arguing that his derogatory remarks have caused significant distress within the community. This incident has sparked a heated discussion among the devotees of the Gadhada Swaminarayan Temple, many of whom are expressing their disappointment and anger over the controversial comments.

In reaction to the controversy, a substantial number of devotees, known as Hari bhaktas, have gathered at the Gadhada Swaminarayan Temple to protest. The protest, organized by the Swaminarayan Siddhant Hitrakshak Samiti, saw devotees holding banners and chanting slogans demanding the removal of Gnanjivandas Swami from his position. The protesters argue that the continued presence of such a controversial figure tarnishes the reputation of the temple and brings unnecessary scrutiny upon its followers.

The atmosphere at the temple has been tense, with devotees vocally opposing what they perceive as the greedy and lustful actions of certain religious leaders. They insist that the behavior of individuals like Gnanjivandas Swami not only undermines the spiritual integrity of the temple but also subjects devotees to ridicule and social ostracism.
