Four suspects who killed five in a shoot-out in Kathihar district in Bihar nabbed from Surat

On December 9, a shootout occurred in Kathihar district, killing five members of rival Pinku Yadav's gang


Surat (Gujarat) : Four suspects were arrested on Thursday in a joint operation by Surat and Bihar police in a shootout between two gangs in a riverine area of Kathihar district in Bihar in December, which left five people dead.

Sumar Kunwar, Aman Tiwari, Dhiraj Singh, and Abhishek Rai, all residents of Pirpainti in Bihar’s Bhagalpur district, were apprehended in Surat. The suspects, believed to be Mohan Thakur gang members, fled Bihar and sought asylum in Surat.

On December 9, a shootout occurred in Kathihar district, killing five members of rival Pinku Yadav’s gang.

A massive gang war broke out a month ago in Bihar’s Kathiaar district between two notorious gangs. There was face-to-face fighting in this gang war. It resulted in the deaths of up to five gang members. The Bihar police then went after the gangwar and arrested the murderer. The Bihar Police received information at the time that the four main gangsters of the Mohan Thakur gang, who fired and killed in the gang war between Mohana Thakor and Pinku Yadav, had arrived in Surat.

Based on this, a Bihar STF team travelled to Surat and requested assistance in apprehending the accused who murdered five people in Gangwar, Bihar, and was now roaming the streets of Surat. Meanwhile, a Surat Crime Branch team and a Bihar STF team conducted a joint operation and apprehended four suspects at the Godadara Devadh Checkpoint.

Gangwar was fought for the land along the river’s banks. Ganga

“There is an ongoing battle for supremacy between the Mohana Thakur and Pinku Yadav gangs in Bihar’s Kathihar district,” said Lalit Wagadia, police inspector of Surat’s Crime Branch. They have occasionally attacked each other in order to assert their control over land, water, and property. Many serious crimes have been committed by these two gangs. The two gangs had been at odds for some time over ownership of cut lands on the Ganga’s banks. Due to the animosity between the two gangs, a gang war occurred on December 8, 2022 in Bhawanipur village between 23 members of the Mohan Thakur gang and members of the Pinku Yadav gang.”
