First look of Red Punch film launched in PVR cinemas

The film's story is about transgenders


New Delhi (India) : Red Punch, a film in Hindi directed by Sanjiv Trigunayat and written by Shamim Akhtar, had its world premiere today at PVR Cinemas in Mumbai. Meet Brothers, of the musical duo, were the featured guests. In the Roshni Movies production, the protagonist is transgender, and the film explores that experience. There was also a sizable media contingent present. Guests expressed their sincere joy and happiness for the film’s success to producer Shamim Akhtar and writer/director Sanjiv Trigunayat.

Amad Mintoo is the film’s protagonist. Other actors who will be featured include Yogiraj, Sana Ali Khan, Ramesh Goyal, Ishrat Ali, Shavaz Khan, Shahzad Khan, Rakesh Bedi, Deepak Verma, KK Goswami, Birbal, Firoz Pathan, Shiva Rindani, Dharmendra, Hemant Birje, Raunak Ali, Zara Khan, Jennifer, Bhagyashree, and KK Goswami.

Meet Bros congratulated Amad on his role as producer, director, and hero of the film, saying that in today’s world, “the content is the king,” and praising the film for its “very different story” that will “give a message to the society.”

The movie’s director predicted that his work would win an award. I wrote Red Punch, with the help of producer Shamim Akhtar; it’s about a boxer who is made a eunuch and exacts vengeance. It’s clear that this is a unique narrative. For about five or six months, I lived with trans people and interviewed them. It is my sincere wish that quality films will be produced and enjoyed by all.

However, the film’s protagonist, Amad Mintoo, expressed gratitude to the film’s director, Sanjiv ji, and producer, Shamim Akhtar, for casting him in the role. For his upcoming role as a boxer, he has begun training.

Actress Sana Ali Khan said, “it will be shot in Banaras from March 15th, there are 5 songs in the film. I am playing the character of a eunuch in the film. It’s a challenging role, but I hope to pull it off well.”

The film’s story is about transgenders. They should also get respect. Don’t make fun of them. The director is a very nice person and writer too.

Ramesh Goyal said that this is his 50th year in the industry. He is proud that he has been working for fifty years. The year 2023 is lucky for him, the title of Red Punch tells everything.

Actor Yogi Raj said that for the first time I am playing the role of a eunuch, this is the story of how a boxer is made eunuch. Shooting will start in Banaras from March.

Ranveer Wadhwani, Snehlata Mudgal, Zahoor Khan, Ashwini Thakkar, Ravi Shankar Pandey, Shubham Dubey, Shiv Shankar Pandey, Basid, Babu Bhai, Shakir Hussain, Azam, Santosh Gupta, Shaukat Ali, Faheem, Irfan Aziz, David Basu, Ginilal Salunke, Rajendra Wodare were also present at this special occasion.

Publish media was the PR of this function.

