Concept medical’s Envision scientific Pvt. ltd. sets a green benchmark with IGBC gold certification for its India factory

Envision Scientific Pvt. Ltd. (ESPL), Concept Medical's manufacturing arm, said on Friday that it has reduced its carbon footprint via in-house efficiency improvement programmes and green infrastructure.


Surat : The Indian Green Building Council (IGBC) has awarded gold certification for green factory building to Concept Medical’s manufacturing unit, Envision Scientific Pvt. Ltd. (ESPL). ESPL has installed solar panels on its own land, invested in energy efficiency development initiatives, and organised tree-planting drives, among other things, to lessen its impact on the environment. As a result of these efforts, ESPL’s facility has been recognised as the first green building in the Surat SEZ.

Sustainable Qualities of Envision Scientific’s Manufacturing

The gold-level certification of Envision Scientific’s SurSEZ manufacturing facility is attained through a variety of eco-friendly features. Utilising energy-saving equipment, lighting systems, and solar power, the facility maximises its energy efficiency. To reduce water consumption, water conservation measures such as rainwater harvesting, and water-efficient fixtures have been implemented. Additionally, the organisation prioritises waste management practises, such as recycling and the correct disposal of waste. In addition, the indoor environment promotes the health and well-being of occupants through the use of enhanced ventilation and low-emission materials.

IGBC Green Certification Benefits

Obtaining IGBC’s gold-level certification provides Envision Scientific with numerous benefits. The certification validates the company’s dedication to sustainable practises, enhancing its reputation as an environmentally responsible enterprise. It demonstrates Envision Scientific’s commitment to minimising its environmental impact and carbon imprint. Moreover, the manufacturing unit’s green building features contribute to cost reductions through energy and water conservation, resulting in a more efficient and financially viable operation.

Certification of Green Factory Buildings by the IGBC

IGBC is a prestigious organization & a not-for-profit council formed to create an environmentally cohesive ecosystem committed to promoting sustainable construction practises and environmental conservation. The IGBC green factory buildings programme is the first rating system for the industrial sector in India that evaluates manufacturing facilities based on multiple criteria, including energy efficiency, water conservation, refuse management, and interior air quality. It is based on globally accepted energy and environmental principles, striking a balance between established practices and emerging concepts.

ESPL’s green initiatives include tree-planting drives surrounding the factory, in-house solar power generation, charging stations for 2-wheelers and 4-wheelers, ETP and STP plants, rainwater collection systems, and an ETB water treatment plant. Additionally, the company has implemented numerous waste management initiatives to reduce the use of single-use plastic for packaging.

Parth Doshi, director of Concept Medical and ESPL, stated, “Our manufacturing facility plays a significant role in guaranteeing a minimal carbon footprint by implementing innovative and effective measures that enable us to accomplish our goals without negatively impacting the environment. In addition, we aim to inspire other organisations in the SEZ industrial zone to join us in our pursuit of a more sustainable future.”
