Ahmedabad : Narrow Escape for Students as Fire Breaks Out in School

The fire alarm system of the school in Ahmedabad functioned effectively, prompting an urgent evacuation of all students and staff


Ahmedabad, Gujarat : Children studying at Divine Life International School in the Narol area of Ahmedabad narrowly escaped harm when a fire broke out due to a short circuit on Thursday morning. The swift response from the fire brigade ensured that the situation was quickly brought under control, preventing any casualties.

The fire, which started in the electric panel, caused a minor blaze that was immediately contained. The school’s fire alarm system functioned effectively, prompting an urgent evacuation of all students and staff. Two fire tenders were dispatched to the scene immediately after the fire brigade control room received an alert about the incident.

According to fire brigade officials, the alert came in about a fire at Divine Life International School located in the Narol area. Two fire brigade vehicles were promptly sent to the location. The blaze was caused by a short circuit in the electric panel and was classified as a general fire. Thankfully, the fire was extinguished almost immediately upon arrival of the fire brigade, and the situation was quickly stabilized.

At the time of the incident, classes were in session. As soon as the fire was reported, the school authorities initiated an evacuation procedure. The students were swiftly and safely moved out of the school building. The presence of an operational fire system and a valid NOC (No Objection Certificate) from the fire department significantly mitigated the risk of a larger disaster.

The fire brigade commended the school’s preparedness and quick response. “The fire brigade control room received a message about the fire at Divine Life International School, and two vehicles were dispatched immediately. The fire, caused by a short circuit in the electric panel, was controlled promptly. All students were evacuated safely, and there were no casualties. The school’s fire system was operational, and they had an NOC, which played a crucial role in preventing any major casualties,” said a fire brigade official.

In light of the incident, the fire brigade has announced that an advisory notice will be issued to ensure continuous adherence to safety protocols and to prevent similar occurrences in the future. The school administration has been advised to conduct regular checks and maintenance of their electrical systems and fire safety equipment.
