Team Balika of Educate Girls conducts the “Ek pedh Balika Shiksha ke liye” Initiative towards a sustainable world

Over 4,700 youth volunteers came together to plant 6000 tree saplings on the occasion of International Youth Day


New Delhi: Educate Girls, a nonprofit organisation dedicated to promoting girls’ education in rural India via collaboration with underprivileged communities, planned a planting drive to commemorate International Youth Day on August 12, 2023. The theme of this impactful initiative, undertaken by its dedicated team of community volunteers known as Team Balika, was ‘Ek Pedh Balika Shiksha ke Liye,’ translating to ‘A Tree for Girls’ Education,’ aligning seamlessly with this year’s overarching theme of “Green Skills for Youth: Towards a Sustainable World.”

Over 4,700 Team Balika members participated in the plantation campaign, planting over 6000 tree seedlings across Rajasthan, Uttar Pradesh, and Madhya Pradesh. In addition to emphasising the significance of girls’ education, Educate Girls’ campaign aims to bring attention to its role in supporting sustainability and mitigating climate change.

Volunteers not only planted trees as part of the event, but they also participated in instructive lectures about the significance of green practises, supporting sustainable conduct in local communities. The initiative aims to educate young people about the fragility of the environment and the vital role they play in its preservation.

The “Ek Pedh Balika Shiksha ke Liye” programme emphasises the unmistakable link between girls’ education and the promotion of sustainability and climate change mitigation, and how educated girls emerge as strong catalysts for addressing these concerns. With access to excellent education, these girls may have a greater ability to drive innovation and advocate environmentally sustainable practises, resulting in community change.

“Our “Ek Pedh Balika Shiksha ke Liye” project extends beyond tree planting. It strives to instill environmental awareness in young people, foster green skills, and call attention to the interdependence between education and sustainability. “Our Team Balika firmly believes that an educated girl represents more than just an empowered individual; she is a catalyst for positive transformation within her community and the world at large,” said Vikram Singh Solanki, Educate Girls’ Head of Field Operations. “Embracing the profound theme of “Green Skills For Youth” on this year’s International Youth Day, this drive strongly resonates with our commitment to driving change, as we collectively contribute to a better world for generations ahead,” he said.

Sunita Devi, Team Balika, Prayagraj District, explained her inspiration for the initiative: “Every individual has a responsibility to plant and care for a tree in their life.” We can help to save the environment by planting more trees. Environmental contamination is growing as a result of ongoing deforestation. We will raise awareness in society about both girls’ education and a greener future via this campaign.”

Educate Girls, founded in 2007 by visionary leader Safeena Husain, is a non-profit organisation dedicated to closing the gender gap and organising communities for girls’ education in India’s rural and educationally backward regions. Educate Girls presently works in over 21,000 villages in Rajasthan, Madhya Pradesh, Uttar Pradesh, and Bihar in collaboration with the government.
