Surat witness 18K dog bite cases in 2023

Fear hangs heavy in the air, particularly in neighborhoods like Pandesara, Bhestan, and Varachha, where stray dog packs terrorize residents. Children scream on their way to school, cyclists swerve in panic, and the elderly walk in trembling apprehension. "Dogs chase people like they're prey," says a panicked resident, echoing the sentiment of many.


Surat : Surat, the glittering diamond city and once celebrated as the world’s fourth fastest-growing, faces a grim reality – a chilling tide of dog bites sweeping through its streets. 2023 saw a staggering 18,430 dog bite cases recorded by the New Civil Hospital and the Surat Municipal Corporation (SMC)-run SMIMER, a figure sending shivers down the spines of residents. December alone witnessed 1,784 victims, from toddlers to seniors, seeking treatment at government hospitals.

Fear hangs heavy in the air, particularly in neighborhoods like Pandesara, Bhestan, and Varachha, where stray dog packs terrorize residents. Children scream on their way to school, cyclists swerve in panic, and the elderly walk in trembling apprehension. “Dogs chase people like they’re prey,” says a panicked resident, echoing the sentiment of many.

A 13-year-old boy lies bandaged at the Civil Hospital, the latest victim of this canine menace on Monday. Just yesterday, a little girl was left traumatized after a similar attack. These are not isolated incidents. The numbers paint a harrowing picture: a case of dog bite reported every 50 minutes in Surat.

“The situation is alarming,” admits a worried doctor from NCH. “We’re seeing an alarming rise in severe injuries, especially among children.” The reasons behind this surge are complex, ranging from inadequate sterilization programs to improper waste disposal attracting canine packs.

Surat’s diamond shine threatens to dim under the shadow of fear. Residents demand urgent action from the authorities. “We need more shelters, proper sterilization drives, and stricter enforcement of pet ownership laws,” says another resident, frustration in his voice.
