Surat : Two dead after elevator collapses in a textile mill

The lift, which played a crucial role in the daily operations of the textile mill, was primarily utilized to facilitate the movement of textile goods between different floors of the factory.


Surat: Two textile workers lost their lives when a lift collapsed from the second floor of the Madhunandan Dyeing and Printing Mill in Sachin GIDC.

The unfortunate incident occurred on a fateful Tuesday, leaving Sandip, aged 19, and Dharmeshwar, aged 48, fatally injured and claiming their lives on the spot. Another worker sustained injuries and has been rushed to the hospital for medical attention.

The lift, which played a crucial role in the daily operations of the textile mill, was primarily utilized to facilitate the movement of textile goods between different floors of the factory. Tragically, the cable of the lift snapped, resulting in a sudden and disastrous free fall between the floors.

Eyewitnesses on the scene reported a scene of chaos and disbelief as the lift gave way, with workers and staff rushing to the aid of those involved. Despite the swift response, the gravity of the situation was undeniable, and Sandip and Dharmeshwar could not be saved.

While the immediate focus remains on the lives lost, questions are now being raised about the state of maintenance and safety protocols at the textile mill. Authorities are expected to launch a thorough investigation to determine the exact cause of the cable snapping and whether any lapses in maintenance or safety precautions contributed to the tragedy.

The incident serves as a grim reminder of the importance of regular maintenance, safety checks, and proper training when it comes to machinery and equipment in industrial settings. The textile industry, which is a crucial component of Surat’s economic landscape, must now confront the need for stringent safety measures to prevent similar accidents in the future.
