Surat : Reckless Dumper Truck Mows Down Toddler in Pandesara
This tragic incident has sparked outrage against the rampant reckless driving of dumper trucks across Surat. With ongoing public and private construction projects, the city has witnessed a surge in dumper truck movement, leading to concerns about road safety.

Surat : A heart-wrenching tragedy struck Pandesara, Surat, on Tuesday morning as a speeding dumper truck driver recklessly mowed down a one-and-a-half-year-old boy playing by the roadside. The child succumbed to his injuries on the spot, leaving his family in profound grief.
“He was just playing outside our tent,” Akash Chitodia, father of the child choked back tears. “One moment he was there, the next, he was gone. This senseless speeding has taken my innocent son’s life.” Chitodia, who hails from Maharashtra and lives in a makeshift tent near the Pandesara garbage plant with his family, sells ayurvedic medicine for a living.
This tragic incident has sparked outrage against the rampant reckless driving of dumper trucks across Surat. With ongoing public and private construction projects, the city has witnessed a surge in dumper truck movement, leading to concerns about road safety.
“These dumper drivers have no regard for human life,” said a local resident, her voice trembling with anger. “They drive like maniacs, putting everyone on the road at risk. This has to stop before another innocent life is lost.”
Police launched a manhunt for the truck driver. “We are using all available resources to track down the culprit and bring him to justice,” a police spokesperson assured. “We understand the anger and frustration of the community. We will not rest until the driver is apprehended.”
“These dumper drivers have no regard for human life. They drive like maniacs, putting everyone on the road at risk. This has to stop before another innocent life is lost.” Said Ramesh Patil, a resident of Pandesara.
This tragedy has reignited calls for stricter measures to curb reckless driving and ensure the safety of pedestrians and motorists alike. Residents and activists are demanding stricter regulations on dumper truck speeds, designated routes, and penalties for violations.
“The authorities need to take concrete steps to address this issue before it’s too late,” said a local social worker. “We cannot afford to lose more lives to this blatant disregard for traffic rules.”
As the city grapples with the aftermath of this heartbreaking incident, questions remain about how to prevent such tragedies from recurring. The need for stricter enforcement, responsible driving practices, and a concerted effort from all stakeholders is clear. Only then can the roads of Surat truly become safe for everyone.