Surat Municipal Corporation Tightens Spitting and Littering Rules

Under the new regulations, a first-time offense of spitting in public areas will result in a fine of Rs 100, with the penalty escalating to two-and-a-half times more for a second offense. The vigilant eye of the extensive CCTV network, jointly operated by the SMC and the Surat police, has already led to fines being imposed on approximately 100 individuals within the last fortnight.


Surat : The Surat Municipal Corporation (SMC) has recently rolled out fines for individuals caught spitting in public places, especially on city roads, utilizing a network of 3,250 high-definition CCTV cameras strategically placed across the city. Surat, known as the second cleanest city in India, has intensified its efforts to maintain its pristine image with stringent measures against public spitting and littering on city roads.

Under the new regulations, a first-time offense of spitting in public areas will result in a fine of Rs 100, with the penalty escalating to two-and-a-half times more for a second offense. The vigilant eye of the extensive CCTV network, jointly operated by the SMC and the Surat police, has already led to fines being imposed on approximately 100 individuals within the last fortnight.

The Integrated Command and Control Center, managed by the SMC, serves as the nerve center overseeing these CCTV cameras, ensuring swift identification and penalization of offenders. This initiative follows a comprehensive mechanism established not long ago to crack down on littering and garbage disposal on city streets. Additionally, the surveillance now extends to monitoring stray cattle, reflecting the city’s commitment to a comprehensive cleanliness drive.

The primary goal of the SMC is twofold: maintaining the cleanliness of Surat’s roads and instilling a stronger sense of civic responsibility among its residents. Notably, the SMC has extended its fines to include not only pedestrians but also drivers of mopeds, bikes, rickshaws, or cars caught spitting on roads, leveraging technology-enhanced enforcement through the CCTV network.

Officials stress that timely payment of fines is crucial. Those failing to pay within the stipulated time frame will face escalated penalties, encouraging prompt compliance with the regulations.

Surat, often hailed for its cleanliness and effective waste management systems, is steadfast in its mission to uphold its reputation as one of India’s cleanest cities. With these reinforced measures and technological advancements, the city aims to ensure its streets remain spotless, promoting a culture of cleanliness and civic pride among its populace.
