Surat Court Summons Police Inspector Over Negligence in Molestation Case

The case in question involves the molestation of a young girl, a fourth-grader, by an unidentified man on a road near Singanpor. Despite the victim’s family’s efforts to file a complaint, their pleas fell on deaf ears as the police station failed to register the case. The incident, which was captured on video and subsequently went viral on social media, highlights a disturbing disregard for protocol and victim’s rights.


Surat : The Surat District and Sessions court has issued summons to key law enforcement officials and the Gujarat government, citing a grave lapse in duty regarding a molestation case reported in January 2024. The court has mandated the appearance of the police inspector of Singanpor police station, SG Rathod, the police station officer (PSO), and representatives of the state government on March 26.

The case in question involves the molestation of a young girl, a fourth-grader, by an unidentified man on a road near Singanpor. Despite the victim’s family’s efforts to file a complaint, their pleas fell on deaf ears as the police station failed to register the case. The incident, which was captured on video and subsequently went viral on social media, highlights a disturbing disregard for protocol and victim’s rights.

The video, which clearly depicted the harrowing ordeal of the minor, was even sent directly to PI SG Rathod. Yet, no action was taken to apprehend the accused. The Deputy Commissioner of Police, Pinakin Parmar, was also made aware of the incident but did not respond with the urgency it demanded.

The inaction has led to public outcry and a formal complaint lodged in the district court against the Singanpor police inspector, PSO, and the State Government. The complaint accuses them of “keeping mum” in the face of the molestation of a minor girl, a stance that has now drawn the judiciary’s attention.

This case has shed light on the systemic issues within the law enforcement agencies and the government’s response to crimes against minors. The court’s intervention underscores the need for accountability and swift action in such sensitive matters. As the officials prepare to present themselves before the court, the public awaits justice for the young victim and a pledge for more vigilant and responsive governance.

The incident has sparked a broader conversation about the safety of children and the efficacy of law enforcement in Surat. It raises questions about the mechanisms in place to protect the most vulnerable members of society and the commitment of those in power to uphold the law.

As the case unfolds, it serves as a reminder of the importance of due diligence and the role of the judiciary in upholding the rights of citizens. The court’s decision to summon the officials is a step towards rectifying the wrongs of the past and ensuring that such dereliction of duty does not go unchecked.

The community of Surat now looks to the court proceedings with hope, seeking not only justice for the young girl but also a precedent that will deter future negligence. The outcome of this case could be a turning point in the fight against child molestation and a wake-up call for authorities to take their responsibilities seriously.
