SARV VIKAAS launched by fashion queen Pernia Qureshi for women-led companies

FICCI Ladies Organisation, Ahmedabad, has promoted the movement to empower women entrepreneurs under the leadership of Chairperson Aditi Parekh


Ahmedabad: SARV VIKAAS was launched by the Ahmedabad branch of the FICCI Ladies Organisation (FLO) in the presence of Pernia Qureshi, the queen of fashion and creator of Pernia’s Pop-up Shop in India. This project was envisioned by Chairperson Aditi Parekh.

Each of the four pillars of the FLO Ahmedabad chapter’s SARV vision for 2023-24 is represented by the acronym SARV VIKAAS. These pillars are: Socio-economic development of women; Advocacy for legislative and regulatory reforms; Rural uplift via grassroots initiatives; and Vocational and educational training.

The committee members of SARV VIKAAS began their official debut by forming connections and working together to advocate for female business owners.

The evening followed with Pernia Qureshi, a renowned stylist whose work has appeared in Harper’s Bazaar, Elle, and Conde Nast, dressing the committee members in magnificent garments and jewels from the high-end online retailer Fashion Edit India.

The group was mesmerised by Pernia’s excellent abilities and professionalism throughout the style process. Fashion Edit India is a rapidly expanding one-stop e-commerce destination for all luxury aspirations, with prominent Indian brands covering accessories and outfits, and costume designer Pernia became a household name after displaying her ability by creating costumes for the Bollywood film Aisha.

Tanvi Godiawala and Purvi Doshi, two amazing women who have made their mark in business, shared their inspiring life experiences with the audience. This is a movement to promote diversity and share women’s experiences with the hope of inspiring other participants.

The FLO praised their efforts to realise their objective.

In a press release, FLO Ahmedabad said, “Today is a monumental day for us as we formally launch SARV VIKAAS, a significant priority area for us this year. We believe it is essential for women’s autonomy and advancement that women-led enterprises and startups succeed. The FLO Ahmedabad chapter’s chairwoman, Aditi Parekh, said that their goal with SARV VIKAAS was to “make a tangible difference in the lives of as many women as possible.”

In the presence of Shri Sandip Sagale, Industries Commissioner of Gujarat, FLO Ahmedabad also signed a memorandum of understanding with the state’s Micro, Small, and Medium Enterprises (MSME) Commissionerate. As a result of the MoU, both parties will be able to work together more closely on strategic projects aimed at uplifting women-led enterprises in Ahmedabad and Gujarat.

FLO Ahmedabad helps MSMEs and women-led entrepreneurs who want to start their own businesses. There is a help desk to support and facilitate them. FLO invites more women to start their businesses through their guidance, thereby inspiring them. This is a very good initiative since the women of this country are very intelligent and hardworking, believes Ms. Qureshi.

The other three initiatives under the SARV VISION are SARV ADHIKAARA, dedicated to fostering women’s political and legal rights, SARV SAKSHAM, focusing on up-skilling women; and SARV SHAKTI, which aims to empower women in leadership roles. FLO Ahmedabad is determined to revolutionise the entrepreneurial landscape for women through SARV VIKAAS and the comprehensive SARV VISION and create a brighter, more inclusive and robust future for women in business.
