RPF Sub-Inspector Saves Elderly Couple from Perilous Fall at Surat Railway Station

An ordinary day at the Surat train station transformed into a spectacle of heroism when an ASI named Israr Baig of the train Protection Force (RPF) rushed to the scene of an accident that may have resulted in the death of an elderly couple. Residents of Harinagar in Udhana, Surat, Rajnish Srivastava, 61, and his wife Shakuntala Devi, 59, found themselves in a precarious scenario when they sought to board the Jaipur-Pune Express. Both of them were arrested and taken to the police station.


Surat : In a spectacular rescue that took place at the Surat railway station, Assistant Sub Inspector (ASI) Israr Baig of the Railway Protection Force (RPF) displayed courage and fast thinking as he rescued the lives of an elderly couple who had fallen while attempting to board a passing train. It was at around 1:14 in the morning on Monday that the heart-stopping event took place at platform number 3 of the station. This incident highlights the critical role that railway staff play in guaranteeing the safety of passengers.

An ordinary day at the Surat train station transformed into a spectacle of heroism when an ASI named Israr Baig of the train Protection Force (RPF) rushed to the scene of an accident that may have resulted in the death of an elderly couple. Residents of Harinagar in Udhana, Surat, Rajnish Srivastava, 61, and his wife Shakuntala Devi, 59, found themselves in a precarious scenario when they sought to board the Jaipur-Pune Express. Both of them were arrested and taken to the police station.

In their rush to reach the train, the elderly couple slipped and fell into the space between the platform and the coach. The event occurred during the departure of the train from platform number 3, while the train was leaving. Without hesitating, ASI Baig raced to their assistance and was successful in pulling them to safety, so preventing a consequence that might have been quite fatal.

One of the accounts claims that the couple’s haste was caused by a misunderstanding on the time at which the train would arrive on the platform, which ultimately resulted in their being late for boarding. Their tragedy, on the other hand, was met with prompt intervention by ASI Baig, whose prompt reaction prevented them from being harmed.

ASI Baig was praised by witnesses who were present at the incident for his courageous and noble gesture, which acknowledged his devotion to duty and his selflessness. The old couple expressed their deepest appreciation to the person who had saved them, recognising that their lives would have been in danger if it had not been for his action.

The heroic actions of ASI Israr Baig have not only prevented the loss of life for two passengers, but they have also contributed to the enhancement of the prestige of the Railway Protection Force. As a result of his activities, which have been appropriately termed “Operation Jeevan Raksha,” railway staff have shown an unflinching dedication to safeguarding the safety and well-being of passengers, even if it means putting their own lives in danger, according to an official from WR.
