Nikhil Kartavya: Youngest Entrepreneur Making Waves in Digital Entrepreneurship

Nikhil's journey began with a vision to revolutionize the digital space. With a keen interest in technology and an innate ability to identify market trends, he embarked on a path less travelled. Drawing inspiration from global leaders in the digital arena, Nikhil ventured into the world of startups, determined to make his mark.


In the heart of Bihar, a young and dynamic entrepreneur is redefining the digital landscape. Nikhil Kartavya, a name synonymous with innovation and tenacity, has emerged as one of India’s youngest entrepreneurs. Hailing from Bihar, Nikhil has not only broken the traditional stereotypes associated with the region but has also set an inspiring example for aspiring entrepreneurs nationwide.

Nikhil’s journey began with a vision to revolutionize the digital space. With a keen interest in technology and an innate ability to identify market trends, he embarked on a path less travelled. Drawing inspiration from global leaders in the digital arena, Nikhil ventured into the world of startups, determined to make his mark.

Kindly PR : Elevating Online Presence

Nikhil’s brainchild, Kindly PR, stands as a testament to his commitment to excellence. It is a PR agency that specializes in crafting and elevating an online presence on the world’s most prominent search engine – Google. Recognizing the significance of a strong online presence in today’s digital age, Nikhil and his team at Kindly PR employ cutting-edge strategies to help businesses and individuals establish a robust and influential online footprint. From SEO optimization to content curation, Kindly PR ensures that their clients are not just visible, but also leave a lasting impression on the digital landscape.

Fyndmate: Pioneering Digital Services

Nikhil’s entrepreneurial acumen extends beyond Kindly PR, with his second venture, Fyndmate. Fyndmate is a comprehensive digital marketing agency that offers a wide spectrum of services including web development, social media marketing, graphic design, and ad campaigns, among others. Fyndmate has swiftly risen to prominence as one of the best digital marketing agencies in India, owing to its client-centric approach and unwavering commitment to delivering results. Nikhil’s leadership has fostered an environment of creativity and innovation within the Fyndmate team, allowing them to consistently exceed client expectations.

Nikhil Kartavya’s success story is a testament to his visionary leadership. He believes in not just meeting industry standards, but in setting them. His entrepreneurial journey is characterized by a relentless pursuit of excellence, a trait that has enabled him to navigate the competitive digital landscape with finesse. Nikhil’s ability to foresee industry trends and his unwavering commitment to client satisfaction have been instrumental in propelling Kindly PR and Fyndmate to the zenith of success.

Nikhil Kartavya’s journey is not just an individual success story, but an inspiration for an entire generation of aspiring entrepreneurs. His story showcases that geographical boundaries and age are no barriers when it comes to achieving one’s entrepreneurial dreams. Nikhil’s achievements serve as a beacon of hope for young minds across India, proving that with determination, innovation, and hard work, anything is possible.

Nikhil Kartavya, Bihar’s youngest entrepreneur, has emerged as a force to be reckoned with in the digital entrepreneurship landscape of India. Through his ventures, Kindly PR and Fyndmate, Nikhil has not only demonstrated his business acumen but has also raised the bar for digital services in the country. His story serves as an inspiration for aspiring entrepreneurs, reminding them that with passion, dedication, and a forward-thinking approach, they too can carve a niche in the competitive world of entrepreneurship. Nikhil Kartavya is not just a name; he is a testament to the power of dreams and the potential that lies within every individual to create their own success story.
