Live with righteousness and gratitude, Syedna urges Dawoodi Bohras

The sermon, which marked the commemoration of the 40th day since the martyrdom of Prophet Mohammed's grandson, Imam Husain, resonated deeply with more than 17,000 members of the Dawoodi Bohra community, hailing from India and beyond, who gathered at the Saifi Masjid of Boharawad in Godhra.


Godhra :The 53rd leader of the worldwide Dawoodi Bohra community, His Holiness Syedna Mufaddal Saifuddin delivered a sermon on 5th September to commemorate the occasion of Chehlum. Chehlum, also known as Arbaeen, marks the 40th day after the martyrdom of Prophet Mohammed’s grandson Imam Husain in Karbala, Iraq.

Over 17,000 community members from Godhra and across the country and abroad gathered at Saifee Masjid at Vohrawad to listen to the sermons. During his address to the community members, Syedna Mufaddal Saifuddin stressed the significance of adhering to the rightful path and leading a life of gratitude and contentment. He reminded the community to abstain from wrongdoings and continue  to serve humanity, particularly those in need.

Syedna concluded the sermon with an emotive remembrance of Imam Husain and the tragedy that befell him and his companions in Karbala.

Syedna arrived in Godhra on Sunday 3rd September from Mumbai. Upon his arrival at the city railway station, he was warmly received by Ashish Kumar, District Magistrate along with senior members of the Dawoodi Bohra community.

Aliasgar Imadi, a PR coordinator for the Dawoodi Bohra community in Godhra said, “Our leader Syedna Mufaddal Saifuddin visited Godhra after an extended period of 9 years. This makes his visit all the more special and memorable not just for community members in Godhra but also for the surrounding areas.”

“During his visit, Syedna inaugurated three Dawoodi Bohra masjids in the city. These are Fakhri Masjid at Haidery Compound, Husaini Masjid at Rangoonwala Compound and Hatimi Masjid at Vohra Qabrasthan,” he added.

Syedna Saifuddin frequently travels to villages, towns and cities in India and across the world where the Dawoodi Bohras reside to observe firsthand the collective growth of the community and the challenges faced.  These travels provide an opportunity for Syedna to interact with and counsel community members toward living fulfilling and productive lives.

Over 6,000 Dawoodi Bohra members reside in Godhra. They actively participate in civic life and contribute to the city’s development. Many are in the business of textiles, hardware and wholesale. The community is known for its commitment to peace, pursuit of education, honest trading practices and social welfare programs.

