Ladakh UT Lieutenant Governor inaugurates NDDB-refurbished Ladakh Dairy Federation dairy plant
The Lieutenant Governor praised NDDB for steering dairy development activities in less dairy-developed Ladakh. He said that an integrated approach involving creation of an organised milk procurement, processing & marketing system will strengthen dairying and augment rural income.

Anand : Brig (Retd) Dr B D Mishra, Hon’ble Lieutenant Governor, Union Territory of Ladakh inaugurated the newly refurbished dairy plant of Ladakh Dairy Cooperative Federation on 4th October 2023 in the presence of Dr Meenesh Shah, Chairman, National Dairy Development Board (NDDB), Dr Pawan Kotwal, Advisor to Hon’ble Lt Governor and other dignitaries. IDMC Ltd, a wholly owned subsidiary of National Dairy Development Board (NDDB) has refurbished the dairy plant.
The Lieutenant Governor praised NDDB for steering dairy development activities in less dairy-developed Ladakh. He said that an integrated approach involving creation of an organised milk procurement, processing & marketing system will strengthen dairying and augment rural income.
Chairman NDDB said that NDDB had entered into a tripartite MoU with the Union Territory of Ladakh and the Ladakh Autonomous Hill Development Council (LAHDC) for providing managerial and technical support to Ladakh Dairy Cooperative Federation for a period of 5 years. The MoU focused on increasing market access, ensuring sustainability and economic viability of the Federation’s overall operations. NDDB administered Ladakh Dairy Federation will work towards establishing a transparent and remunerative milk procurement system for the dairy farmers.
Chairman, NDDB further said that a grant of Rs 40 lakh has been sanctioned to Ladakh Dairy Federation to start and smoothly run the operations. NDDB intends to develop a dairy value chain in Ladakh, which will provide profitable returns to the producers from the milk business. Consumers will also get quality milk & milk products at affordable prices. The milk procured will be processed and sold under Oma brand. Ladakh Federation will also supply fresh pasteurised milk to the Indian Army base in Ladakh.