Gujarat Governor Champions Organic Farming, Calls for Industry-Farmer Collaboration at Udhyog 2024

Central to Governor Devvrat's vision is the concept of "family farmers" – individuals who play a pivotal role in nourishing communities and fostering a deeper connection to the land. He envisaged a future where the reliance on conventional healthcare services diminishes as communities rediscover the intrinsic value of wholesome, locally sourced food produced through sustainable agricultural practices


Surat : In a resounding endorsement of sustainable agriculture, Gujarat Governor Acharya Devvrat has lauded the strides made by the state’s farmers towards organic farming, urging greater collaboration between industry and agriculture for holistic economic development.

Central to Governor Devvrat’s vision is the concept of “family farmers” – individuals who play a pivotal role in nourishing communities and fostering a deeper connection to the land. He envisaged a future where the reliance on conventional healthcare services diminishes as communities rediscover the intrinsic value of wholesome, locally sourced food produced through sustainable agricultural practices

Speaking at the culmination of Udhyog 2024, a flagship industrial event organized by the Southern Gujarat Chamber of Commerce and Industry (SGCCI) in Sarsana, Governor Devvrat emphasized the pivotal role of organic farming in promoting healthier food production, cost efficiency, and enhanced productivity.

Governor Devvrat’s address underscored the significance of transitioning towards cow-based agriculture as a means to achieve a harmonious balance between economic progress and environmental stewardship. With approximately 9 lakh farmers in Gujarat embracing natural farming practices, the Governor implored industrialists to support these efforts by procuring organic produce, thereby bolstering rural livelihoods and fostering sustainable agro-based industries.

During his visit to the Udhyog 2024 exhibition, Governor Devvrat engaged with exhibitors and surveyed a diverse array of products, reaffirming his commitment to promoting indigenous entrepreneurship and innovation. He reiterated the imperative of aligning industrial growth with the preservation of natural ecosystems, advocating for a paradigm shift towards eco-friendly practices to mitigate the adverse effects of chemical-intensive agriculture.

Highlighting the detrimental health consequences of modern dietary habits and chemical-laden food production, Governor Devvrat sounded a clarion call for prioritizing holistic well-being over short-term convenience. He warned against the perils of lifestyle diseases exacerbated by poor dietary choices and environmental degradation, emphasizing the urgent need to safeguard public health through sustainable agricultural practices.

Looking ahead, Governor Devvrat unveiled an ambitious vision to expand the reach of natural farming initiatives across Gujarat, signaling a concerted effort to transform the agricultural landscape at a war footing. By harnessing the collective efforts of farmers, industry stakeholders, and policymakers, he envisaged a future where organic farming serves as a cornerstone of both economic prosperity and public health.
