Gujarat : Anand police nabs members of interstate diesel gang

Anand Local Crime Branch team had intercepted a truck near Ode Square, while checking the truck, police found 25 plastic containers full of diesel. Police have arrested  Rajendra Kale,  Rama Pawar, Ganesh Pawar, and his cousin.


Anand : The Anand police in Gujarat on Wednesday night arrested four members of an interstate gang involved in the theft of diesel. Police have seized Rs 20 lakh worth of diesel from them. All accused are from Maharashtra.

Anand Local Crime Branch team had intercepted a truck near Ode Square, while checking the truck, police found 25 plastic containers full of diesel. Police have arrested  Rajendra Kale,  Rama Pawar, Ganesh Pawar, and his cousin.

During the first interrogation, the accused said to the police that they would load items from Maharashtra or other states and discharge products at the destination. They will begin searching for gas stations where diesel is kept in a secure location.  Once such a fuel pump has been zeroed in, they will wait till late at night and, while the personnel is not there, they will steal diesel in a plastic carton using a pump.

Police sources said the accused had stolen 1,000 liters of diesel using the same modus operandi. They had targeted petrol pumps on the Jumbusar highway in Gujarat, on the Chotila highway in Saurashtra,  Nadurbar, and Dhundhai highways in Maharashtra.

Out of the four accused, three were arrested by the Aurangabad police for four offenses, and two cases were registered against them with the Salapur police.    Police have seized  875 liters of diesel in 25 containers, and have also seized the truck in which they were carrying.
