Gujarat : 8 Fire Officers Charged in Bogus Sponsorship Scam

The eight officers named in the chargesheet include Aum Jadeja, Inayat Shaikh, Mehul Gadhavi, Subham Khadiya, Anirudhh Gadhavi, Sudhir Gadhavi, Abhijan Gadhavi, and Asif Shaikh. They face charges of forgery, cheating, and criminal conspiracy, and could face years of imprisonment if convicted.


Ahmedabad : In a case that has cast a shadow on the city’s fire safety, eight fire officers have been chargesheeted after a 24-month investigation into a brazen bogus sponsorship scam. The joint probe by the Ahmedabad Municipal Corporation (AMC) and the police department unearthed a web of fraudulent admissions allegedly secured using fake certificates from the National Fire Service College in Nagpur.

The eight officers named in the chargesheet include Aum Jadeja, Inayat Shaikh, Mehul Gadhavi, Subham Khadiya, Anirudhh Gadhavi, Sudhir Gadhavi, Abhijan Gadhavi, and Asif Shaikh. They face charges of forgery, cheating, and criminal conspiracy, and could face years of imprisonment if convicted.

“This is a serious breach of trust,” said a  senior municipal officer, whose order to file an FIR seven months ago triggered the police involvement in the investigation. “We are committed to upholding the highest standards of integrity in our fire department, and those who compromise these standards will face the full consequences of the law.”

The scam came to light thanks to a complaint filed by a retired fire officer, himself embroiled in similar allegations, according to sources. His whistle-blowing exposed a pattern of recruitment irregularities, with a significant number of officers accused of duping the AMC recruitment department with forged sponsorship certificates supposedly issued by the Nagpur institute.

“None of these individuals ever qualified for admission to the National Fire Service College in Nagpur,” revealed a senior police officer involved in the investigation. “They allegedly fabricated sponsorship letters and used them to secure their positions in the fire department, putting public safety at potential risk.”

“This is a betrayal of public trust,” said a fire official requesting anonymity. “The fire department is responsible for saving lives, and these individuals allegedly built their careers on a foundation of lies. It’s disheartening and puts a stain on the entire department.”

The chargesheet marks a significant development in the long-running investigation, but the saga is far from over. The accused officers are expected to plead their case in court, and the investigation itself may expand to uncover the potential involvement of others in the fraudulent scheme.
