Global Brahman Council is celebrating a unique ‘Vasudhaiva Kutumbakam’ festival in Hong Kong



Hong Kong:  Global Brahman Council has been celebrating a unique ‘Vasudhaiva Kutumbakam’ festival on the theme of Vedic Cultural heritage in Hong Kong. The festival kick-started at the India Club in Hong Kong on July 1 and it will continue till August 15.

Distinguished priests such as Hitesh Maharaj, Vinod Maharaj, Ishwar Maharaj, and Jai Maharaj are hosting the Vedic programs during the festival.

The festival has been organized to provide an opportunity for the people to come together and support each other with the common goal of celebrating and highlighting Vedic culture and Sanatan Dharma.

It was even more auspicious to be able to gather on the day when the world-famous rath yatra takes place in Jagannath Puri and to offer Abhishek to their lordships Sri Jagannath, Baladeva, and Subhadra Maharani along with engaging everyone in the chanting of powerful and uplifting Vedic mantras.

Dr. Sanjay Nagarkar and Prof. Rita Vyas Nagarkar, the founders of Global Brahman Council welcomed the guests and said, “Today is a very special event being celebrated alongside the Azaadi Ka Amrit Mahotsav, the celebration of India’s 75th anniversary. We are proud to be celebrating the Vasudhaiva Kutumbakam festival to invoke the spirit of global citizenship, and to teach the young children our rich cultural values by passing the Vedic cultural heritage torch to the next generation.” During the festival, several events will take place, i.e., plantation, Sanjeevani haven at Kowloon Hindu temple, Vedic cultural heritage forum discussion among international participants, lectures series, Vedic music, and Sanskrit classes. The festival will close by showcasing a Vedic cultural heritage poster exhibition on 15th August 2022.

To inspire the younger generation Nikhil Nagarkar gave a meaningful speech that related to many youths and their parents. Nikhil Nagarkar said, “We were born abroad so we only understand what we see. For us to be inspired by our own culture, it needs to be communicated to us in a way that we can relate to.” The second part of the program was bhajans and lectures. Mrs. Shobhana Rajesh Iyer and Anirudh Trivedi sang soulful bhajans. Shri Radhika Sharma spoke about Vedic culture and value systems. The key highlight was the attendance of younger children under 15 years of age who participated very enthusiastically in the rituals, mantra chanting, and bhajan singing.

To demonstrate the diversity of our Vedic culture and heritage, an educational poster exhibition was showcased which allowed children to learn about India a lot. The event was followed by pure satvik food. The program was attended by Brahman families and community leaders.

Mr. Shoan Goenka, President of Overseas Friends of BJP, Mrs. Vaneeta Sharma, Head of the Kowloon Hindu temple, Mr. Bhagwan, Mr. Ajit, Mr. Lal Daryanani, and other dignitaries attended the event. Mr. Nanu Laxman, President of India Club, Mr. Nothan Tolan, President of Kowloon Hindu Temple, and Mr. Rakesh Sharma supported the program.

Mr. Hari Mishra, Shashikant Panday, Sarvesh Mishra, Ashu Bhargav, Rajesh Iyer, Vinay Sharma, and other community members made this unique event possible. Veena Daninghani was the MC and conducted the program smoothly.

The concept of Vasudhaiva Kutumbukam is a step forward to inspire young Indians who are living abroad to connect with their roots as well as teach the world to live peacefully following the teachings of Sanatan Dharm. From India, we are grateful to Ruchiekka Krishnani for spreading the thoughtful content and promoting Spiritual Tourism.

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