Game zones and entertainment venues without NOCs to face non-bailable charges: Gujarat Government

As per the new directive issued by Gujarat Government, authorities will not just penalize non-compliant businesses; they will be filing criminal cases against the owners.


GANDHINAGAR, GUJARAT : The Gujarat government has taken a tough stance on fire safety, issuing a directive to crack down on entertainment venues and game zones operating without the mandatory No Objection Certificate (NOC) from the fire department. This move comes in the wake of recent incidents raising concerns about public safety at such establishments.

As per the new directive issued by Gujarat Government, authorities will not just penalize non-compliant businesses; they will be filing criminal cases against the owners. The directive instructs officials to invoke strict sections of the Indian Penal Code (IPC) and impose non-bailable charges during the ongoing verification process.

The directive has been issued to all district collectors and municipal commissioners across Gujarat, urging them to take immediate action. The collectors have already informed the district police chiefs, instructing them to register cases and ensure stringent enforcement.

This crackdown extends beyond entertainment venues and game zones. The directive mandates thorough inspections at all locations with a high potential for large gatherings. This includes religious institutions like temples and mosques, educational institutions like schools and colleges, public spaces like malls, theaters, and food markets, and densely populated areas across the state.

The verification process will involve joint inspections by local Mamlatdars (revenue officials) and police officers. Their primary focus will be to assess the fire safety measures in place and verify the status of the fire NOC for each location.

This multi-pronged approach emphasizes the seriousness with which the Gujarat government is taking fire safety. The move aims to deter negligence and ensure that all establishments comply with fire safety regulations to prevent tragedies.

The consequences of non-compliance are significant. Business owners operating without a valid fire NOC not only risk criminal charges but also endanger the lives of patrons.
