Borewell Rescue Robot: A Lifesaving Innovation used in Gujarat
Sophisticated piece of technology with a foldable 3D-printed arm, camera, LED flashlight, and oxygen hose is the part and parcel of Borewell Rescue Robot in Gujarat.

SURAT, GUJARAT : Long a sad occurrence, borewell accidents can kill small children who unintentionally fall into exposed wells. A novel answer to this has come from the Borewell Rescue Robot. Under management of PictoBlox software, this creative tool seeks to offer a dependable and quick way to free people caught in bore wells.
Sophisticated piece of technology with a foldable 3D-printed arm, camera, LED flashlight, and oxygen hose is the part and parcel of Borewell Rescue Robot in Gujarat. Executing safe and successful rescue operations depends on these elements. Connected to a gear motor, the flexible arm of the robot can make delicate motions that guarantee the person being rescued’s safety.
The robot consists mostly of a 12-volt rechargeable battery for electricity, an L298 motor driver for spinning the shaft, and an ESP32 camera module detecting the child. The neutron bolt mechanism enables the up and down movement required to open and close the flexible arm.
Function and Use
PictoBlox software and a Bluetooth module let operators move the robot via a Bluetooth link. The robot finds the toddler using its ESP32 camera module when sent into a borewell. The flexible arm softly closes around the youngster once their position is found to allow a safe lift to the surface. Targeting to avoid future tragedies linked with borewell accidents, this technology has great potential to save lives.
Strategies to Stop Borewell Errors
The Supreme Court of India has set thorough rules for borewell construction and maintenance in order to stop such events:
Before building, borewells have to be registered with pertinent authorities.
At the site, a signboard showing the complete address of the agency excavating or rehabilitating the borewell together with the owner’s information has to be placed.
Around the casing pipe of the borewell, a cement or concrete platform with a height and depth of 0.30 meters has to be constructed post-construction.
To stop mishaps, the mouth of the casing pipe ought to be equipped with nut-bolts or covered with a steel plate.
Notwithstanding these rules, borewell mishaps still happen; several children have been victims of these avoidable tragedies:
Borewell mishaps claimed 15 children’s life in Gujarat in 2018.
Ten children perished in 2019.
In 2020 the count dropped to 5.
Surprisingly, no events were recorded in 2021.
A recent Jamnagar event in 2024 claimed the life of a small child.
The Borewell Rescue Robot is a major breakthrough in terms of reducing deaths connected to bore wells. Its implementation in conjunction with rigorous adherence to preventative policies can significantly lower the likelihood of such accidents, therefore preserving the life of fragile children all throughout the country.