An engineer turned founder of leading digital news platform and newspaper:Jignesh Ramavat

Gujarat Herald Digital and Rajkot Herald newspaper are news platforms in Gujarat


New Delhi : What inspired an engineer to launch a digital news platform and newspaper? Jignesh Ramavat, the founder of Gujarat Herald Digital News and the Rajkot Herald newspaper, was interviewed! Gujarat Herald was named one of the best growing publishers by News Reach in August 2022.

It is critical to keep up with national and international news. But, more importantly, we must be aware of what is going on in our immediate surroundings and region. With the intention of providing local and regional news. Gujarat Herald Digital and Rajkot Herald newspaper are news platforms in Gujarat. Not only local news, but also national and international news, are available in Gujarati, the mother tongue. During the second wave of COVID, Gujarat and Rajkot Digital News received the best worker award for media reporting. Jignesh Ramavat is the driving force behind these endeavours.

Jignesh Ramavat, an engineer turned writer and publisher, was interviewed by our team. Our team interviewed him and learned about his life, what he does, and everything else. We bring you an interview with Jignesh Ramavat, the founder and publisher of Gujarat Herald and Rajkot Herald.

Hello there, Jignesh. How are things going for you?

Hello to you as well, I’m fine. Thank you very much. How are you doing?

I’m also fantastic! Before we begin, I’d like to thank Jignesh for coming and for your time today. I’m excited and looking forward to the discussion.

Thank you for inviting me. This session has piqued my interest.

To begin, Jignesh, could you tell us a little bit about yourself, your role at Gujarat and Rajkot Digital News?

To introduce myself formally, Hello, my name is Jignesh Ramavat and I’m from Gujarat. I founded Gujarat Herald and Rajkot Herald News Paperw +, and my role there is that of publisher, but that is only a position. I write and occasionally edit.

You’ve always wanted to be a publisher, so how did you get started?

I’ve always been interested in writing and have been since I was a child. I have a B.Tech Mechanical degree, but the fire within me was always there, and this passion became a profession, and this company was founded.

How long have you been running this business, and how does it operate?

It has been seven months since the company was founded. Gujarat Herald and Rajkot Herald Digital News is an online digital news publication based in Rajkot, Gujarat. Gujarat Herald is an online newspaper, and Rajkot Herald is an offline weekly newspaper published every Sunday; our newspaper has the RNI Certificate.

Gujarat Herald Digital News and Rajkot Herald newspaper work tirelessly to keep people informed of breaking news from Gujarat as well as national, international, entertainment, and sports news.

I am a firm believer that the media is the fourth pillar of democracy, and we work hard to ensure that you have access to authentic and trustworthy news. With this goal in mind, we at Gujarat Herald digital and Rajkot Herald Newspaper are constantly striving to convey the message of correct and appropriate news through our digital newspaper.

Excellent work, Jignesh! So, what drives you to work, and have you encountered any difficulties in launching your own business and breaking into this new industry?

No offence, but I believe that today’s media, whether big media houses or established firms, does not show the truth and the things that people should know. It is the responsibility of the media to serve the people of the country. When this did not happen, I decided to start the Digital News Agency in order to get the right information to the people. As a result of the idea of Digital News, mobile is a powerful weapon.

And I did face challenges and roadblocks before starting, as well as taunts and comments from others during my early days. You know, making sure I don’t do anything. They did everything they could to discourage me, but I persisted. I wanted to give up and stop everything at times, but I kept going and here I am today.

One of the challenges I faced in person was bias; my acquaintances used to call me out and say I would support a particular party or ideology, and so on.

You mentioned ideology; what is your ideology, and what do you believe in?

I have faith in something very simple. My ideology is to provide people with accurate information and to show them the truth. This is what I am convinced of.

Wow! Jignesh, please tell us about your team and the various departments at Digital News.

We are still developing. My team consists of myself, editors Dharmesh Patel and Kuldeep Patel. We are a small group of dedicated individuals who work in accordance with all government regulations.

Jignesh, a few of you have done an outstanding job in a short period of time. My final question for you is, what are your plans for the future?

We intend to broaden our efforts in order to reach every citizen of the country and show them the truth.

Best wishes, Jignesh! It was a pleasure to have you with us today. Thank you for your consideration.

More information about Gujarat Herald digital news and Rajkot Herald newspaper can be found at the following link:

