All You Need to Know About Trademark Registration in India

Learn the Trademark Registration Process and Check Application Status Online for Brand Name and Logo Registration in India


New Delhi: Trademark registration is essential for protecting your brand’s identity and distinguishing it from competitors. In India, the registration process provides legal rights and exclusivity to the owner of the trademark. This article will guide you through the trademark registration process, how to register a brand, check application status, and ensure your brand’s protection.

What is Trademark Registration?

Trademark registration is a legal process that grants the owner exclusive rights over their brand name, logo, or symbol. This protection helps prevent others from using identical or similar marks, reducing the likelihood of brand confusion and infringement.


The trademark registration process in India involves the following steps:

  1. a) Trademark Search:Conduct a thorough search to ensure that your proposed trademark is unique and not already registered or pending approval. This search can be done on the official website of the Trademark Registry in India.
  2. b) Filing the Trademark Application:Once you are sure that your trademark is unique, you can file the trademark application online through the official website or by visiting the nearest Trademark Office.
  3. c) Examination and Publication:The trademark office will examine your application to ensure it complies with the necessary requirements. If it meets the criteria, it will be published in the Trademark Journal.
  4. d) Opposition Period:After publication, there is a specific period during which others can raise objections to your application. If no objections are raised or successfully resolved, your trademark will move to registration.
  5. e) Registration:Upon successful completion of the above steps and payment of the necessary fees, your trademark will be registered, and you will receive a registration certificate.


  1. a) Legal Protection:Trademark registration provides legal protection, allowing you to take legal action against anyone using your registered mark without permission.
  2. b) Brand Recognition and Trust:A registered trademark creates a sense of trust and reliability among consumers, helping your brand stand out in the market.
  3. c) Asset Value:A registered trademark is an intangible asset that can increase the overall value of your business.
  4. d) Global Protection:Trademark registration in India can serve as a basis for filing applications in other countries, ensuring international protection.

How to check trademark application status online?

You can easily check the status of your trademark application online through the official website of the Trademark Registry. Use the “trademark application status” or “brand registration check” keywords to find the relevant page and enter your application number to view the current status.

Trademark Registration for Brands and Logos

Whether you want to register a brand name or a logo, the trademark registration process remains the same. Both are equally important for protecting your brand’s identity.


  1. a) Online Registration:The Indian government offers an online platform for easy and efficient trademark registration.
  2. b) Trade Mark Registration Fee:The cost of registration depends on the number of classes your trademark falls under. It is advisable to seek professional assistance to determine the appropriate class(es) for your trademark.
  3. c) Validity:Once registered, a trademark is valid for ten years and can be renewed indefinitely.


  1. What is a trademark, and why is registration necessary?

A trademark is a unique symbol, word, or logo that distinguishes a brand from others. Registering a trademark provides legal protection, preventing others from using identical or similar marks, ensuring brand identity and exclusivity.

  1. Can I check the availability of a trademark before filing an application?

Yes, it is essential to conduct a trademark search to check if your proposed mark is already registered or pending approval. This can be done through the official website of the Trademark Registry in India.

  1. Can I apply for trademark registration online in India?

Yes, the Indian government provides an online platform for trademark registration, making the process more accessible and efficient.

  1. How long does the trademark registration process take?

The trademark registration process typically takes around 12 to 24 months. However, the timeline may vary depending on factors such as the workload of the Trademark Office and any potential objections or oppositions.

  1. What can I do if someone opposes my trademark application?

If someone opposes your trademark application during the publication period, you can respond to their objections and provide evidence supporting your claim. The Trademark Office will then decide the outcome based on the provided information.

  1. Can I register both my brand name and logo under the same trademark application?

Yes, you can register both your brand name and logo under the same trademark application if they are being used together to represent your brand.

  1. Do I need to hire a lawyer for trademark registration?

While hiring a lawyer is not mandatory, it is highly recommended to seek professional assistance from a professional firm like Compliance Calendar LLP. A lawyer can help you navigate the process efficiently, conduct a comprehensive search, and ensure all legal requirements are met.

  1. Can I register a trademark for an international brand in India?

Yes, you can register a trademark for an international brand in India. However, it is advisable to apply for registration in the country of origin first and then use that registration as a basis for filing in India.

  1. Is a registered trademark valid forever?

No, a registered trademark is initially valid for ten years from the date of registration. After the ten-year period, you can renew the registration indefinitely to maintain its validity.

  1. Can I use the ™ symbol without registration?

Yes, you can use the ™ symbol without registration to indicate that you claim ownership of the trademark. However, the ® symbol can only be used after the trademark is officially registered.

  1. Can I file a trademark application on my own?

Yes, you can file a trademark application on your own. However, given the intricacies of the process, it is advisable to seek professional guidance to ensure accuracy and increase the chances of successful registration.

  1. Can I transfer my trademark ownership to another entity?

Yes, trademark ownership can be transferred through an assignment. This means you can sell or transfer your rights to another individual or business entity.

  1. What should I do if someone is using my registered trademark without permission?

If someone is using your registered trademark without permission, you should consult a lawyer immediately to take appropriate legal action. Infringement can lead to serious consequences, and timely action is crucial to protect your rights.

  1. Can I register a sound or a scent as a trademark in India?

Yes, under specific conditions, sound and scent marks can be registered as trademarks in India. However, the application process for non-conventional trademarks may have additional requirements and complexities.

  1. Is it necessary to register a trademark for a small business or startup?

Registering a trademark is not mandatory but highly recommended, especially for small businesses and startups. It provides legal protection, enhances brand recognition, and adds value to your business in the long run.


Trademark registration Onlineis a crucial step to safeguard your brand’s identity and maintain exclusivity in the market. By following the appropriate registration process and checking your application status online, you can ensure that your brand is legally protected in India. Don’t hesitate to seek professional guidance to navigate the process smoothly and enjoy the numerous benefits of trademark registration.
