Ahmedabad Municipal Corporation (AMC) Employees Seek Justice for Inhumane Working Conditions

The issue stems from a circular issued by the central office of the Ahmedabad municipal commissioner on February 14, 2023. The circular informed the employees about their duty hours, starting from 7 am. However, it failed to specify the time they are permitted to leave the office, leaving them in a state of uncertainty and vulnerability.


Ahmedabad : The engineering staff of the Ahmedabad Municipal Corporation (AMC) has filed a petition to the Gujarat State Human Rights Commission detailing the harsh circumstances under which they are forced to work. These hardworking people have been forced to put in extra hours beyond what is allowed under the Government of India’s Occupational Safety, Health, and Working Conditions Code, 2020. This serious breach requires prompt investigation and resolution for the sake of the employee’s security and rights.

The issue stems from a circular issued by the central office of the Ahmedabad municipal commissioner on February 14, 2023. The circular informed the employees about their duty hours, starting from 7 am. However, it failed to specify the time they are permitted to leave the office, leaving them in a state of uncertainty and vulnerability.

According to the Occupational Safety, Health, and Working Conditions Code, 2020, Act No. 37 of the year 2020, established by the Ministry of Law and Justice of the Government of India, if the work operations begin at 7 am, the service time is legally mandated to end at 15:00 pm. However, the engineering employees at the AMC are being compelled to work beyond the prescribed time limit without any form of compensation, which is both illegal and inhumane.

The employees’ plight underscores the urgency to enforce the regulations laid out in the code of conduct, as defined by the Ministry of Justice of the Government of India. It is imperative that the AMC takes immediate action to align with these regulations and ensure the rights and well-being of their dedicated workforce.

In light of the aforementioned code, the employees humbly request that the AMC arrange for the service time to end at 15:00 hours. Furthermore, in cases where circumstances require them to work beyond the permissible time limit, they rightfully seek compensatory leave or monetary compensation for the additional hours worked. Such provisions would not only uphold their rights but also acknowledge their commitment and dedication to their work and the betterment of the municipality.

The significance of adhering to occupational safety, health, and working condition laws cannot be overstated. These laws are specifically designed to protect workers’ rights and ensure their well-being. By disregarding these regulations, the AMC not only violates the employees’ rights but also sets a worrisome precedent for other organizations.

“The Gujarat Human Rights Commission must urgently intervene and address this matter to ensure justice and fairness for the employees of the engineering department at the AMC” said an employee of AMC’s engineering department. “Our representation serves as a crucial reminder that the enforcement of labor laws and the protection of workers’ rights are essential pillars of a just and equitable society.”

The employees of the engineering department at the Ahmedabad Municipal Corporation have bravely come forward to shed light on the inhumane working conditions they endure. Their request for adherence to the prescribed working hours and compensation for additional work is not only a plea for justice but also a call to uphold the rights and dignity of all workers. It is now the responsibility of the concerned authorities to take immediate action and rectify the situation, ensuring that the well-being and rights of these employees are safeguarded.
