Ahmedabad becomes shining example of cleanliness and greenery

One of the most noticeable aspects of Ahmedabad's transformation is the immaculate cleanliness of its roadways. The municipal officials have effectively established a feeling of responsibility in individuals to maintain the streets litter-free via strict enforcement and public awareness programmes


Ahmedabad: Ahmedabad, India’s historic city, has transformed itself into a shining example of cleanliness, ecological initiatives, and sustainable urban development. Ahmedabad has acquired its reputation as one of the cleanest and greenest cities in the world, thanks to its clean roads, well-maintained public transit systems, and spotless public areas.

One of the most noticeable aspects of Ahmedabad’s transformation is the immaculate cleanliness of its roadways. The municipal officials have effectively established a feeling of responsibility in individuals to maintain the streets litter-free via strict enforcement and public awareness programmes. As a consequence, Ahmedabad’s roadways are a tribute to the combined efforts of people and municipal officials in keeping the city clean and providing a pleasant atmosphere for everybody.

Ahmedabad’s public transport services, including the Bus Rapid Transit System (BRTS) and metro – Providing Clean and Green Commuting. Efficient buses and eco-friendly metro trains are revolutionising Ahmedabad transit, lowering emissions and creating a sustainable urban environment. Aside from environmental advantages, these buses are maintained immaculately clean, showing the city’s dedication to cleanliness and sanitation. Similarly, the metro train and its stations have become icons of cleanliness and efficiency, providing people with a convenient and long-lasting form of transit.

Ahmedabad’s cleaning campaign goes beyond its roadways and transit networks. Graffiti and litter-strewn public walls have been converted into murals that display the city’s unique personality. These colourful and intriguing artworks not only offer visual value but also represent the city’s rich cultural history and creative energy. This campaign has instilled a feeling of pride and ownership among locals, motivating them to keep public places clean and beautiful.

Ahmedabad’s development initiatives demonstrate its commitment to preserve its legacy and culture. While constructing new infrastructure, the city has taken great care to conserve and appreciate its ancient structures and landmarks. Bridges, metro stations, parks, and other public places are painstakingly built and maintained, perfectly combining the old and contemporary. This seamless juxtaposition of antiquity and modernity exemplifies Ahmedabad’s dedication to preserve its own character while moving towards a cleaner and greener future.

Ahmedabad’s astonishing clean and green development does not stop at the end of the day. As the sun sets, the city transforms into a mesmerising spectacle of urban expansion and cleanliness. The lighted skyline and well-lit streets provide a compelling mood, demonstrating Ahmedabad’s ongoing commitment to a sustainable and aesthetically beautiful environment.

Ahmedabad’s beautiful riverside, Kankaria Lake, and Science City are testaments to the city’s commitment to cleanliness, beauty, and long-term development. These locations not only provide recreational opportunities, but they also demonstrate Ahmedabad’s dedication to building green, tranquil, and ecologically sensitive environments for its citizens and tourists.

Ahmedabad’s successes in becoming a clean, green, and sustainable city are the product of the government’s, people’, and different stakeholders’ collective efforts.
