A week long campaign on Valentine’s Day ‘Self Love’ launched by Mohit Jesswani


New Delhi : Many sentences begin with “I am.” I’m big, I’m pretty, I’m nervous, I’m ecstatic, and so on. What if, however, those two words were to stand alone as a complete thought? Mohit Jesswani is a professional host, motivational speaker, and up-and-coming life coach, and he has given these two words new meaning. As Valentine’s Day approaches, Mohit Jesswani suggests a different way to spend the week leading up to it, one in which you celebrate your own love rather than the love of another person.

The I AM campaign lasted for seven days, with each day being marked in its own special way that emphasised the importance of nurturing positive feelings towards one’s own identity. “This campaign chronicles my development from a chubby, unmotivated adolescent into a poised and persuasive orator. The same way I was inspired to become a better person by my own transformation, I hope to inspire others to make positive changes in their own lives “This is what Mohit Jesswani has said. As of this year’s Rose Day onward, celebrating oneself will be a central theme. “Instead of worrying about whether or not she loves me, we’ll concentrate on whether or not we love ourselves. Similar efforts from previous days. On Promise Day, the last day before Valentine’s Day, for instance, rather than making promises to others, we will make promises to ourselves “that serves as an anchor for the sentence.

Mohit Jesswani says he was motivated to launch the campaign by his own experience of self-improvement. “It’s true that I was a bit of a rogue when I was young, but that didn’t make me particularly noticeable. On top of that, I took a lot of abuse online because of my size. But as I began to better myself, I came to understand that the only person who should love me is me.”
