Surat : Adani Foundation organized an inspiration tour for tribal women
Kotwalia women interacted with Dang women on bamboo craft

Surat : Adani Foundation conducts a variety of programmes in Umarpada Taluka with the goal of providing a living for tribal women. In accordance with this directive, the BIF Institute for Sustainable Livelihood invited 155 sisters from the 21 Sakhi Mandals of Ghanavad, Chokhwada, Panch Amba, Umargot, Kevadi, and Sadrapani villages of Umarpada Taluka to see, understand, and be inspired by the successful activities of other areas and institutions, and organised three motivational tours to learn about the activities taking place in Dang district.
The journey also featured Kotwaliyas from the Umarpada region, whose livelihood is made and sold from bamboo. The weaving experts of the Kotwaliya family talked with the Dang sisters to learn more about their craft and profession.
During this tour organised by Adani Foundation, the sisters of Umarpada Mission Mangalam’s Sakhi Mandal learned about the BAIF organization’s women empowerment operations. many Bamboo Handcrafts, AGC Bamboo Handcrafts in Waghai, Dang, a group of 15 sisters and brothers who manufacture many inventive designs from bamboo, organic turmeric made by Ambika Sakhi Mandal’s sisters, various spices used in cooking, soaps, various pickles, The Nagli papad production facility and sales unit, the Nahri guesthouse managed by the sisters, and the cashew factory were all visited to have a better understanding of the complete operation.
During their tour to Dang district, the Umarpada sisters learned about how all activities can be carried out in their area, how much revenue is made, and the management approach. These indigenous sisters are also involved in other activities at home in order to supplement their income.
Sisters from Ghanavad hamlet in Uparpada taluka received training via the Adani Foundation and are now earning a living by manufacturing pickled papad and garam masala. The journey to Dang area piqued the interest of these rustic sisters. Some sisters even migrated for the first time in their life from one neighbourhood to another.