Viveck Shettyy motivates Aditya School of Business Management

At the start of the Induction Programme, students and teachers sang the national song and gave Viveck Shetty their heartfelt thanks for attending the event and taking the time to impart his knowledge and experience


Mumbai: Viveck Shettyy, a renowned motivational speaker and life coach, was the Chief Guest at the Aditya School of Business Management (ASBM), Mumbai’s Induction Programme. The event’s organisers hoped that by sharing their experiences and knowledge with the new class of management students, they may help motivate and equip them for success in their studies.

At the start of the Induction Programme, students and teachers sang the national song and gave Viveck Shetty their heartfelt thanks for attending the event and taking the time to impart his knowledge and experience. Students, professors, and special visitors in the crowd were looking forward to a life-changing event.

Viveck Shettyy, brimming with charm and confidence, stole the spotlight as the house lights went down. The distinguished speaker commanded attention from the moment he took the stage. He started by congratulating the newest members of the Aditya School of Business Management’s student body and praising them for making the courageous choice to major in management.

Viveck Shettyy, drawing on his extensive background and knowledge, gave an inspirational address that covered the fundamentals of self-improvement, leadership, and professional and personal success. He was able to connect with the audience and instill in them a profound sense of purpose by deftly blending mind management methods, motivating tales, practical tactics, and thought-provoking insights. His charismatic speech and hilarious comedy won over an audience of all types.

Mr. Viveck Shettyy has been a Mental Health Management Expert, Motivational Speaker, and Life Coach for over 15 years, specialising in Yoga, the Life Sciences, and Mystical knowledge. He has delivered over 1000 lectures and sessions to a wide variety of audiences, including top-tier corporations, NGOs, universities, hospitals, international schools, and management forums. He also often offers private lessons in “Mind Management” and “Voice Training.” His direct pupils in the fields of Mind Management, Public Speaking, and Voice Training today number over 3000, and they include a wide range of professions and celebrities. CEOs from the United States, the United Kingdom, Europe, and even India are among his clientele.

Aditya School of Business Management (ASBM), established in the year 2011, has earned the repute of being one of the best Business Schools in Mumbai. ASBM is known for its excellence in building leadership skills in students and making them corporate-ready. ASBM offers the 2-year Full Time Post Graduate Diploma in Management (PGDM) program, which is approved by the All-India Council of Technical Education (AICTE).
