Vehicle towing cranes of Surat police Poses Risk to Public and Staff

Numerous instances have been reported where police and crane staff engage in unsafe towing practices. Towing cranes transport vehicles, specifically parked in goods carriage areas, with staff precariously balancing on top. This hazardous behavior not only endangers the lives of innocent citizens but also jeopardizes the safety of the towing crane staff.


Surat : Surat, the diamond city of India, faces a recurring issue that threatens to blemish its sparkling reputation. The unauthorized and unsafe practices employed by the Surat City Traffic Police’s towing cranes are putting lives at risk, both on the roads and within the towing crews themselves.

Numerous instances have been reported where police and crane staff engage in unsafe towing practices. Towing cranes transport vehicles, specifically parked in goods carriage areas, with staff precariously balancing on top. This hazardous behavior not only endangers the lives of innocent citizens but also jeopardizes the safety of the towing crane staff.

Despite repeated reports filed with the Athwa region’s traffic police inspector, social activists have encountered a lack of action and expressions of helplessness. Instead of addressing the contractor’s illegal and unsafe activities, the police department seems more concerned with finding alternative ways to transport the staff, effectively putting the cart before the horse.

Towing cranes are deployed to enforce traffic discipline, yet the irony lies in the Surat City Traffic Police’s own crane blatantly violating traffic rules. Its design lacks proper provisions for staff safety, and the number plate isn’t even in compliance. Additionally, the staff often operate without official uniforms, further blurring the lines of accountability.

Social activists urge the Gujarat government to take immediate action. Any towing crane that doesn’t prioritize staff safety must be discontinued. If modifications cannot be made, alternate transportation for staff in four or two-wheelers is mandatory. This blatant disregard for traffic rules and public safety cannot continue, and potential fatal accidents involving innocent people must be prevented.

“Surat, with its rich heritage and vibrant economy, deserves a traffic enforcement system that reflects its values. Addressing the unsafe practices of towing cranes is not just a matter of law and order, but a matter of public safety and the city’s image. The time for inaction is over. The diamond city needs to shine bright, not tarnished by reckless practices that endanger its citizens” said Shailesh Parmar, a resident in Adajan who has faced the reckless driving by the towing crane drivers.
