Surat Power Struggle: Realty Developers and Residents Suffer as Torrent Power Withholds Property Tax Payments

the SMC has imposed an embargo on Torrent Power, prohibiting them from digging up city roads or installing power sub-stations until the outstanding dues are recovered.


Surat : In a distressing turn of events, realty developers and residents who have invested in newly constructed buildings in Surat find themselves without electricity. The cause of this predicament can be traced back to the stubbornness of Torrent Power Surat, which has failed to pay the pending Rs 7 crore property tax to the Surat Municipal Corporation (SMC).

In response, the SMC has imposed an embargo on Torrent Power, prohibiting them from digging up city roads or installing power sub-stations until the outstanding dues are recovered. This article delves into the impact of this power struggle and the consequences faced by both developers and residents.

The Plight of Realty Developers

Realty developers play a crucial role in shaping the urban landscape, constructing buildings that cater to the needs of the growing population. However, their efforts have been undermined by the ongoing dispute between Torrent Power Surat and the SMC. With electricity supply being cut off, developers find themselves in a challenging position. Completion and delivery of projects are delayed, leaving them facing financial losses and tarnished reputations.

A reputed realtor asking anonymity said, “For the last four months, our entire commercial and residential project in Surat is without electricity. I have to give the possession of the property to the buyers on June 11, but they are unwilling as there is no electricity. There are many who are asking us to refund their money”

The situation is particularly dire for those developers who have invested substantial amounts in constructing commercial spaces. The absence of electricity not only hampers the potential to attract tenants and generate revenue but also negatively impacts the livelihoods of individuals who were eagerly awaiting the opening of new businesses. The economic consequences ripple through the community, stifling growth and progress.

Resident Woes and Daily Struggles

The residents, who have invested their hard-earned money in these newly constructed buildings, now find themselves in a state of helplessness. The lack of electricity disrupts their daily lives, affecting basic amenities such as lighting, ventilation, and the operation of essential household appliances. The absence of power not only poses inconveniences but also jeopardizes the safety and security of the residents.

Moreover, residents are burdened with the additional financial strain of arranging alternative sources of power, such as generators or inverters, to mitigate the effects of the blackout. These interim solutions come at a cost, placing an undue burden on individuals who have already invested significant sums in their new homes or commercial spaces.

The Impact on Surat’s Development

The standoff between Torrent Power Surat and the SMC not only affects the developers and residents but also has broader implications for the city’s growth and progress. The delay in payment of property tax by a major power distributor like Torrent Power disrupts the financial stability of the SMC, hindering its ability to provide essential services and carry out infrastructure development projects.

Furthermore, the embargo placed on Torrent Power inhibits the company’s capacity to undertake necessary maintenance and expansion activities, potentially jeopardizing the overall reliability and efficiency of the power supply. This situation not only affects those directly impacted by the blackout but also creates an atmosphere of uncertainty and unpredictability that discourages future investments in Surat’s real estate sector.

“Given the magnitude of the issue and the far-reaching consequences, it is imperative for Torrent Power Surat and the SMC to prioritize finding a swift resolution to their dispute. The immediate resumption of electricity supply to the affected buildings must be ensured, allowing residents and businesses to function normally” said Sharad Kapadia, president of Surat Citizen Council Trust (SCCT).
