Surat : Lone Opposition Member of SGCCI Seeks Police Protection

Sanjay Ezhava has penned a letter to the Surat Police Commissioner, highlighting concerns about his safety in the lead-up to the SGCCI managing committee election


Surat : As the election for the managing committee 2024-25 of the Southern Gujarat Chamber of Commerce and Industry (SGCCI) approaches on March 31, tension mounts with the lone opposition member, renowned RTI and social activist Sanjay Ezhava, seeking police protection amidst fears of a potential attack.

In a bold move, Sanjay Ezhava has penned a letter to the Surat Police Commissioner, highlighting concerns about his safety in the lead-up to the SGCCI managing committee election. Ezhava, who has filed his nomination as a life member for the managing committee post, finds himself pitted against 44 members aligned with a single group within the SGCCI.

Expressing determination despite mounting pressure, Ezhava revealed that he has been subjected to phone calls and personal visits from numerous SGCCI members urging him to withdraw his nomination. However, undeterred by these tactics, Ezhava remains steadfast in his decision to contest the election.

Citing past incidents to substantiate his apprehensions, Ezhava referenced an alarming event from September 13, 2020, when his car was targeted with stones following the managing committee election of the SGCCI. This incident prompted Ezhava to take preemptive action, filing a formal complaint with the Surat Police, leading to the registration of an FIR on October 31, 2020.

The gravity of these past events has fueled Ezhava’s concerns regarding his safety amidst the heightened tensions surrounding the upcoming election. By reaching out to the Surat Police Commissioner, Ezhava hopes to secure adequate police protection to safeguard himself against potential threats or attacks during this critical period.

The SGCCI managing committee election, slated for March 31, holds significant implications for the future direction of the organization. With Ezhava emerging as the sole dissenting voice amidst a sea of aligned members, the stakes are high, underscoring the need for robust security measures to ensure a fair and peaceful electoral process.
