St. Xavier’s High School Holds First Annual Sports Day to Promote Student Fitness

Students can learn to overcome mental health issues and family problems through sports


Greater Noida : St. Xavier’s High School held its first-ever Sports Day on February 11, 2023, on the campus. This momentous occasion displayed the endurance, skill, and sportsmanship of hard-working, passionate Xaverians.

Mr. Anurag Tripathi, Secretary of CBSE, presided over the event as the Chief Guest. He praised the students and inspired them to do their best. He informed both parents and educators about the efforts being made to instill students with a global perspective in order to enhance their learning and professional development. He argued that it’s impossible unless children are raised with love and care. Students can learn to overcome mental health issues and family problems through sports. He made the point that we give our kids a good head start in life but fail to give them the skills they’ll need to thrive. They need to learn how to communicate effectively and solve problems as part of a broader education in these areas. Children should be required to read biographies of successful people and encouraged to emulate their habits and attitudes. Students are the nation’s future, so it’s crucial that we teach them good morals and conduct. Parents need to make lifestyle changes and set good examples for their children.

Mrs. Kirti Tandon, the school’s principal, gave a short speech to kick off the event, in which she praised the value of athletics in the lives of her students. After that, the Sports Captain joined the other four House Captains in lighting the torch. The students performed numerous drills, including the Dumble Drill, the Lazium Drill, a Zumba performance, an Aerobics display, and an outstanding Karate demonstration. There was a lot of applause for the Skills performance. The show was a huge hit because it featured exciting and original races.

Dr. Amit Gupta Sir, Chairman of the Board, gave an uplifting speech to the students about the significance of sports in their lives and announced that all qualified students would be awarded a Sports Scholarship. The winners shone as they received their medals from the esteemed Chair Person, Mrs. Manvi Gupta Ma’am. Students cheered enthusiastically as Aqua House was announced as the winner of the Best House Trophy. Many parents have spoken of their gratitude to the teachers who helped them recognise and nurture their children’s natural abilities. All of the audience members took part, which made for a fantastic performance.
