Senior Board Demands Sumul Dairy’s Managing Director Clarify on Illegal Removal of 22 Tribal Women

Allegations of Autocratic Decision Spark Controversy at Surat-Tapi District Cooperative Milk Producers Union


Surat :  Resabhai V Chaudhary, a senior board member of the Surat-Tapi District Cooperative Milk Producers Union Limited (Sumul Dairy), has raised serious concerns over the illegal removal of 22 tribal women from their positions as supervisors. Chaudhary has demanded an explanation from the managing director of Sumul Dairy, Arun H Purohit, for his unilateral action without the approval of the board of directors.

In a letter addressed to the managing director, Chaudhary pointed out that Purohit had exceeded his authority by removing the tribal women without following the established procedures. According to the constitutional sub-section 51 of Sumul Dairy, there is no provision granting the managing director the power to dismiss employees.

The 22 tribal women had been appointed with the approval of the board and had successfully passed an examination conducted by the former managing director. Chaudhary emphasized that their removal was unjust and lacked due process.

Chaudhary has given a three-day deadline for Purohit to respond to the notice, warning of potential legal action if the explanation is not satisfactory. Additionally, Chaudhary has called for the resignation of the managing director, citing his moral responsibility for the controversial decision.

The senior board member accused Purohit of misusing his position and acting against the interests of the 22 tribal women who have made significant contributions to the Women Savings Scheme (WSS) in the Tapi and Surat districts. These women have played a crucial role in empowering their communities and deserve fair treatment and respect.

The issue has sparked a heated debate within Sumul Dairy and raised concerns about transparency, accountability, and the protection of employee rights. The fate of the 22 tribal women hangs in the balance as the managing director faces mounting pressure to provide a satisfactory explanation and address the allegations made against him.

As the controversy unfolds, stakeholders and observers eagerly await further developments and hope for a resolution that upholds the principles of justice and fairness within the cooperative milk producers’ union.
